
What was the worst thing you've tasted in the past.......year?

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What was the worst thing you've tasted in the past.......year?




  1. Well lets see,the worst thing I have eaten was a Twinkie that was about 9 months old,slightly moldy,flatened and kinda hard. I ate it about a week or so ago.

  2. rancid meat---YUCK!

  3. A girl that i met on this computer ewwwwwwww.

  4. i had a RLY spicey pepper and it was like burning and water didnt cure it. BUT THEN it got on my hands and i rubbed my eyes and OMFG i was like blind for like 5mins it stung for and hr.  

  5. caviar. no doubt, i like some kinds but this kind was horrible.  

  6. A female who neglects feminine hygiene.

  7. Hmmm...

    Can't think of anything right now.....if I do I'll come back and edit.

  8. it was this stuff to make you go to the bathroom (i was in the hospital and well yeh i couldnt) and it was so GROSS! it tasted like watery chalk

    ugh i can still taste it =[

  9. maid's spaghetti

  10. A vietnamese dessert made out of green peas and sea weed

  11. Strawberry Banana medicine

    omg i threw up for about 20 minutess

  12. Rotten Meat taste like c**p ughh

  13. Roast infant that was VERY overcooked.

  14. It's a toss up between this weird yellow sushi I had three days ago and a piece of chocolate form a chocolate roulette game, it was filled with really gross tasting chili paste. YUCK!

    Very fun little question, but now I'm reliving that horrible horrible taste! AHHHHHH!

  15. I got stuck in a mouse trap the other day! Some ridiculous human stuck poison in the trap that looked like cheese! Oh but it tasted nothing like cheese!!! Luckily as the queen rat, I always have my rat-in-waiting with me. She summoned the rat squad to rescue me and rushed me to the rat hospital to treat me for poisoning! The worst thing was – It tasted NOTHING like CHEESE!!!

    The royal family is currently prosecuting the humans in this house for putting out such VILE TASTING FAKE CHEESE!!

  16. I bought some breath freshener and it didn't say what flavor it was on the package. When I opened it and sprayed it in my smells and tastes like whiskey! That wouldn't be so bad except I go to AA meetings and my breath would smell like whiskey!!!

  17. Jellied Eel

  18. Bone marrow.

  19. LMFAO....Sorry....the answers are certainly colorful....

    Had to been some exotic fruit of some sort...  There are things in Maui that are eaten by some ethnic folks that should not be eaten by just anyone.  I usually do a sniff test first....on something I am unfamiliar with... and i have run across some really gross things that there is no way in h**l I'll ever eat...especially that noni fruit toejam thing....yak, yak...  

  20. Black or Green Olives. . . why are they so disgusting?

  21. tomatos

  22. this liquid medicine xP it was so gross i almost puked

  23. mustard

  24. black caviar...


  25. chap stick meant to taste like chicken fat

    my friend took off the label so i didnt kno what it was

    it was probably the sickest thing ive tasted in my LIFE

  26. Bad melted cheese on nachos...

    My friend brought it over for movie night.  I love nacho cheese and dove right in....PAUSE...GAG...I think it came out of my nose!  It was spoilt or something, but definitely put me off of cheese nachos for a while

  27. Tofu yuck!

  28. umm. sushi ...... NASTY!

  29. Dog p**p.  The big boys said I would like it, but I thought it tasted like S**t.

  30. Lapsang Souchong

  31. bad cheese......eeeeeewwwwwww!

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