
-What was the worst trade in your favorite NHL teams' history? Best trade in your favorite NHL teams' history?

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-What was the worst trade in your favorite NHL teams' history? Best trade in your favorite NHL teams' history?




  1. Best:  Doug Gilmour to Toronto

    Worst:  John Kordic for Russ Courtnall

  2. Worst trade in Hartford Whalers history: Ron Francis and Ulf Samuelsson to Pittsburgh for John Cullen and Zarley Zalapski.

    Best trade in Hartford Whalers history: Bobby Holik to the Devils for Sean Burke.


    i'd probably agree with the person above me, getting joe thornton from the bruins has changed the sharks so much. :) i'm glad he's a member of the sharks.

    & the worst was getting brain campbell, i mean he was great during the regular season but once the playoffs came he disappeared. so lame, i wish we never had him in the first place, we probably would have had our winning streak without him but you just never know.  

  4. Team: Ottawa

    Worst: Not trading Daigle to Quebec or trading Eaves and Corvo for Commodore and Stillman

    Best: Trading Yashin for Spezza, Chara and Muckalt

  5. Worst: Whoever the Wings traded for Todd Bertuzzi

    Best: Paul Coffey and Keith Primeau for Brendan Shanahan


    Getting Joe Thornton was one of the biggest trades in hockey the last few years let alone for the Sharks organization. The Owen Nolan trade was also a good one.

    Worst trade, sending Steve Bernier and a first and fourth round pick to Buffalo for Brian Campbell who would then proceed to play like c**p in the playoffs and leave after the season ended.

    F@*K  BRIAN CAMPBELL !!!!!!!!!

  7. Worst:  Doug Gilmour for Michelle Petit

    Best:  A bag of pucks for Mika Kipprusoff

    My Team = Calgary Flames

  8. Worst Avs and Flames

    Chris Drury (and Stephane Yelle) for Derek Morris, Dean McAmmond and Jeff Shantz.  Even though we traded Morris to the Coyotes and we got Stasny as one of the picks.

    Best Avs and Habs

    Patrick Roy and Mike Keane for Andrei Kovalenko, Martin Rucinsky and Jocelyn Thibault.  

  9. Forsberg for Lindross.....Need i say more

  10. Worst- Just one? But there are so many. Milbury really screwed up the Islanders when he was GM.

    Z. Chara and 1st round pick(Jason Spezza taken by Ottawa) for "Cash-in" Yashin

    Honorable mentions: Trading Olli Joikinen and Roberto Luongo for Mark Parrish and Oleg Kavasha

    The Ryan Smyth fiasco 2 seasons ago.

    Best-Acquiring Butch Goring for Dave Lewis and Billy Harris in 1980. Helped them to their first Stanley Cup.

  11. Joe Thorton from the Bruins

    we got good players but it  killed the team

    he took control

  12. for the sabres, best trade: getting hasek. worst trade: losing hasek

  13. As a New Jersey Devils fan, the best was sending Corey Millen to the Dallas Stars for Neal Broten in 1995.  His added leadership and scoring touch got us the Stanley Cup: He scored the go-ahead goal in the clinching game.

    Technically, Brendan Shanahan signing as a free agent with the St. Louis Blues, and then the Devils receiving Scott Stevens as compensation, doesn't count as a trade, but that switch turned the Devils from a good team into a three-time World Champion, and how often do to top-shelf Hall-of-Famers get traded (or "traded") for each other? Shanny didn't help the Blues much, though, but then again neither did Scottso, who was only there one season.

    The worst? Lou Lamoriello's had some doozies, including picking up a LOT of guys who were really good elsewhere but did nothing for us, including Doug Gilmour, Steve Thomas, Phil Housley, Dave Andreychuk and Lyle Odelein.  

  14. For Ottawa. The Worst is a trade that should've happened, but didn't. In 1993 Ottawa had the #1 draft pick. It was the year Alexandre Daigle was drafted. Quebec was offering Forsburg, Hextall, and one of their first round picks (#10 or #23) for Daigle. It bothers me so much they never accepted that trade.

    The best is an easy choice as well. Yashin to the Islanders for Chara and a first round pick. The first round pick turned out to be Jason Spezza.

  15. Adding Matthias into the trade for Bertuzzi! Wings lost a future great player and got nothing.

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