
What was there before the big bang happened?

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And why is everything disc shaped instead of spherical? And what's the science behind Dark Matter? And is there more than one Universe? And will everything stop expanding some day? What will it do if it does?




  1. Now that's one helluva question(s).

  2. Before the Big Bang, there were probably lots of Little Bangs.

    The rest of your questions have been the never ending work of "intellectuals" since the "beginning of mankind's curiosities".  The so called "Answers" are called things like "Theories, hypotheses, presumptions, guesses . . . . " and the like.

    A simple answer to your questions would require VOLUMES of literature.

    You can search "Dark Matter", "Black Hose(s)" and the like for some insight.

    The "Disk Shapes" have to do with the idea that revolving objects, and their inherent "gravities" throw off matter around their "equators".

    Hope this helps.

    John W.

  3. Okay recently I read The Universe in a Single Atom, by the 13 Dali Llama.  When this question came up I found the answer interesting.  Causality was mentioned and the Buddhist thought on the subject is that for the big bang to have happened real causal events must of moved it, so some form of energy or matter was there.  Anyways the image of the universe I "imagine" exists is a great infinite space with big bangs happening all over the place, in the macro, each big bang expanding into ....c**p gotta go to work!

  4. God, and actually the big bang was God speaking everything into existence.... It's called the big bang cause you can hear his voice all across the universe.....

  5. The end of the previous universe.

  6. What was before the big bang is outside of our logic.  I really don't ever think we will be able to figure that out.  I'm not really sure what you are referring to as far as everything being disc shaped.  Most astronomical objects are in fact spherical unless other forces such as centrifugal have anything to do with it.  Dark matter at this point is purely theoretical.  Scientists say that dark matter doesn't reflect or emit any electromagnetic radiation of its own so we cannot detect it.  But they say dark matter would account for the outer reaches of galaxies rotating at the same rate as the inner parts near the core.  Again this is something that is completely out of our logic and understanding of the universe.  As far as the universe expanding, scientist actually say that the rate of expansion is speeding up.  But If it did ever stop expanding I doubt we will be around long enough to find out.

  7. Well cutting edge scientists who have the latest information have conjured up some pretty interesting theories. The post a couple right above mine I would say is one of the more cutting edge theories, and of course it remains to be proven.

    But anyway, think of the word UNIVERSE for a second... The beginning part "uni" implies a singular area, however, many modern scientists don't really believe in a single universe anymore. In fact, they believe in something called the MEGAVERSE, which can also be called the MULTIVERSE. Some of these people believe there could possibly be an infinite number of universes with big bangs happening all the time.

    To prove this supposed state of the art hypothesis of the multiverse, which may eventually replace the mainstream idea of a universe, NASA is going to be sending up one of the most extraordinarily large objects ever crafted by human beings which is going to be called LISA. LISA is esentially going to be 3 different units, all of which will be in somewhat of a triangular shape in outer space and all three of these units will be connected by laser beams. From what I understand, these super structure will be ONE MILLION MILES ACROSS and will orbit the sun with the earth.

        One of the main functions of LISA, planned to lauch in 2011, will be to operate as a gravity wave detector. One of the latest theories regarding gravity is that it actually travels BETWEEN universes. So according to some of these scientists involved, this super gravity wave detector will literally attempt to detect as well as measure paralell universes.

    Now to answer your question more directly. I believe another function of this mega structure is to actually try to view all the way back to within just a few seconds(or within fractions of a second) of the big bang actually happening. They are interested in penetrating the absolute root of all creation inside of this universe, well, because they believe that when they do this, they may very well find AN UNBILLICAL CORD-metaphorically speaking...

  8. According to modern theories there is a place in the spacetime continuum called the 11th dimension where entire universes humbly float and fly around; our big bang occured when two universes collided resulting in a reverse singularity (nothing into something) within our perceptible 4 dimensional space. BOOM!  

  9. To quote Terry Pratchett:

    "In the beginning was nothing, which exploded."

    “The philosopher Didactalus suggested an alternative hypothesis: ‘things just happen, what the hell’.”

    “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”

    - Douglas Adams

  10. The Big Bang might didn't happen! How do we know  

  11. The Big Burrito.(with extra jalepenos).

  12. The big silence. Gravity.Unknown. We don't even know fully what's in this one. Probably not. Time will go backwards. Total chaos will ensue.

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