
What was there before there was space and time?

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I know there's no official answer to this, but I'm curious to hear people's ideas...

And if space is not infinite, what happens beyond it?




  1. Its hard to "be" if there is no time that can pass. So, before time was there to pass, existance itself was not possible, therefore there mas no matter either before time. To go further, there wasn't a "before", because without time to divide past and future, you cannot ask for a "before past". Its hard to imagine, its beyond our world of possible things so for us, there can't be something before space and time.

  2. a dimension without time

    if you could look back at our cone shape univerce it would appear a 1 dimensional line  

  3. 'Before' is a concept that requires time, right?  Because things have to be placed in some kind of sequential order for there to be a 'before' and 'after' and that requires time.

    So asking what was 'before time' is kind of a nonsense question, isn't it?

    It's like asking 'what's north of the north pole'.

    By the way, the same thing applies to asking what's 'beyond' or 'outside' the universe.  Time and place are both part of the universe.

  4. The Augustinian Era.

    There is no 'outside' or 'beyond'. It's a difficult concept to comprehend but the Universe means 'everything'. No matter how small the Universe used to be or how large it is today, there never was and never will be anything outside or beyond. Space is curved. It bends into itself. If you could possibly travel as fast and far as you could, you would never reach a wall or any type of barrier to the 'outside' of the Universe because there is no outside. If you traveled long enough in what appears to you as a straight line, you would simply end up back where you started from.

  5. There was nothing. And that was absolute logic. Nothing is supposed to be there in the first place. Existence of matter and energy are an anomaly. There must have been space, like void, but since there was no matter to measure distance, it didn't matter where you were in this non-dimensional space. It is very difficult to predict what lies beyond the bubblewall of our anomaly universe. Probably loads of nothing, maybe other bubbles. We'll never know.

  6. Since "everything" is a part of space and time then before was "nothing". I know it is a clisέ but it's the only logical explanation.

    On the other hand is the theory of the universe's (singular form here is being used willfully because using the multiple universe theory would complexify this infinitely more:) perennial expanding and contracting where it is believed that before time and space was time and space, and be careful not to mix this up with our two in question concepts, time and space can't be "the very first thing" because time and space precedes time and space, a mess huh.

    A quick sum so you can make some sense, the big bang was the "start" but the universes are slowly re contracting into one super-gravitatonal black whole from which a whole new big bang will occur..... So time and space actually, theoretically........... restarts.....

  7. The answer accepted by science is that time started at the Big Bang. There was no "before".

  8. I'm not sure anyone can actually comprehend what a "before time" could actually mean.  The term "before" implies that time is existing.  The honest answer is, "nobody knows."  Even the big bang theory can only take us back to approximately the first few thousandths of a second after it occurred.  The actual first moment of the universe is completely unknown, no matter what origin of it you may subscribe to.

  9.   There was nothing before space and time.

      Space is finite with a maximum size when this size is attained the farthest reaches begin to go out of existence.

  10. the one who created all things..

  11. well a thing very big that contracted and a vacuum


  12. A singularity!

  13. Space has always existed

    To be more precise the notion of spacee existed

    we formulated the idea that the earth  is a certain age therefor space has a time barrier this is not correct space

    Take the idea of a painting on a canvas,  at once you can see everything, that is the notion of space

    if you can only see a small section of the canvas space will be difined to that area

    that is the perception of the earth and space we cannot see everything so our vision and mindset of space is limited  

  14. God :)

    (And space goes on forever - after all, there is no such as nothingness, right?)  

  15. Most scientists say that the universe is finite but boundless. It means that both space and time are limited but you never reach its boundary. That is because, according to the theory of relativity, everything is observed from the observer's frame of space, time and inertia.

    Please consider this: Wherever you are in the universe, you observe it as if you were at its center. This is why we observe a red-shift in all the remote galaxies that seem to move away from us. As if we were at the center, but we are not.

    Likewise the cosmic microwave background (the white noise you see on your TV when connected to an antenna) comes from all directions in the sky, as if the origin of the universe, the big bang, is not a point in space but a sphere around us.

    Strange, isn't it? Well, when thinking about the macrocosm of the universe, you must think differently and accept that there is no 'before' or 'after' or 'outside.'

  16. Nobody really knows... in this case, science and the Bible are in total agreement.. because In the beginning there was a 'void'

  17. GOD

    Or are we playing the foolish

    "Say Anything But God" game again?

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