
What was there to do in Ancient Alexandria?

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What was there to do in Ancient Alexandria?

And if an Ancient Roman decided to take a trip along the Nile, what kind of boat would they use?




  1. go to the library

  2. if you're talking about tourism in alexandria, there's the lighthouse of pharos to visit. that's one of 7 ancient wonders of the world. there's also the catacombs, where romans were buried - it goes three stories down into the ground, and can be accessed by a large winding stone staircase. and, of course, the library of alexandria, wihch had lots of precious informantion.

    as for ships, if it was a military boat it would have a figurehead of a deity and have name like "wild bull" or "star of egypt" or "soul of the gods". it would probably be a merchant trading vessel though. it would have a sun-canopy and cabin in the middle, with oars - the paddles shaped like sharp thin leaves - along the sides. the prow, bent inwards sharply, was carved to look like a bundle of papyrus. a steersperson at the stern had two oars, to use as rudders. a sail would be used when going upriver (south).

  3. There was the Lighthouse and Library to visit.  Chances are, if you were visiting Alexandria, you were there to learn.  Imagine the magic they were producing in the Museum!  You would've been drawn there back then.

    If you were poor you would've likely been on a raft.  If you were wealthy and you wanted the cruise the Nile you would've just taken the Trireme you traveled there with.  If you were in the military you would've used the Quinquereme you rode their on.

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