
What was this Bermuda Triangle incindent?

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I recently saw an incident on TV about where a guy was flying from somewhere in the Caribbean to Florida, through Bermuda Triangle. What happened was, a funnel of clouds appeared and he flew through it. It mentioned that moments later he emerged from it and could see the Florida coastline, even though he should have been much further away.




  1. Bermuda Triangle is a phenomena still under research, what ever has been declared is theories and no facts, however the latest theory says that at the bottom of the ocean there are active volcano that produce gases under high pressure , these gases make a giant air bubble which forms an enormous waves and once reach the surface burst and make a high pressure due to the vacuum in the air, the waves and vacuum destroy ships and airplanes

  2. yeah....its true......such wierd things keeps on happenning in Bermunda Triange. A proper scientific reason hasnt been established.....but the rumors are tht it has something related to the magnetic field of tht place.

  3. I think your talking about the dissapearance of Flight 91 from Jamaica to Florida.

  4. it is only can be a fiction

  5. Bermuda triangle is a dangerous place...

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