
What was this my heart? Should I be concerned?

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Last night I awoke in the middle of the night and a second after waking I felt a rush up the center of my body and it stopped center chest. It felt like I was actually feeling my blood rush into my heart. Is that possible? Like there had been a back up or something.

I have untreated sleep apnea with oxygen desaturation levels going down to 60, could my heart have stopped for a minute while I was asleep?




  1. Doesn't sound like your heart to me, sounds like the effects of low oxygen sats, go back to your consultant/GP and get your sleep apnea treated ASAP.

  2. no, it didn't stop, but you were definitely feeling the results of low oxygen levels...suggest you get that apnea treated.

  3. If you oxygen saturation went down to 60 you wouldn't be waking up and you would very quickly be in an ICU on a  ventilator.  Call 911 if they go that low

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