
What was this object?

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I was observing the night sky about a month ago when i saw a streak of light in the sky. It lasted for only a few seconds. Is it a comet, a shooting star or something? And I saw it again about a few days later but in a different location.




  1. Comets hang around for weeks, even months.  They don't just streak by like in the movies.  You probably saw what is known as a shooting star - it's a piece of rock, the size of a baseball or smaller, hitting the Earth's atmosphere and burning up.  There's a couple every hour, so it's not strange to see several a night or on a few different nights.  At some times of the year, particularly in August and Nov, there are hundreds an hour.

  2. It sounds as if it was a meteor, or what is popularly called a "shooting star": a small piece of space debris which enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up.

  3. Did you make a wish? Shooting stars - bits of debris from space hitting the atmosphere - usually from a nearby asteroid belt. They often appear at certain times of year as the Earth passes by.

  4. It was probably just space junk reentering the earths atmosphere and heating up until it was turned into a fine dust.

  5. it may be a crash of any asteroid on earth's atmosphere.

  6. It could have been many things.  However, we may need more details, such as coloring, speed, etc, or most people will probably laugh and say you discovered an airplane.

  7. A shooting star. I saw one as well. Are you in Australia?

  8. A comet is visible for weeks or months.

    A "shooting star" is the commonly-used term for a meteor.

    Meteors are small rocks or debris (usually no larger than a golf ball or even smaller) that enter our atmosphere and burn up from the friction.

    The streak of light is from the materials and gases burning - the streak can last from 1 or 2 seconds to as much as 7 or 8 seconds depending on the size, speed, trajectory, and composition of the object.

    What you saw a few days later was a different meteor.

    Its estimated that anywhere up to several hundred meteors of all sizes enter the atmosphere each day - most burn up very quickly and occur either during the day (and are therefore not visible) or are so short-lived that they are not noticed.

    There are a couple of very minor "meteor showers" in right now (the Tau Aquarids and the Theta Ophiuchids) with very low hourly rates.

    Congratulations on seeing 2 meteors - most people see very few unless they actively go out to a dark site to look for them.
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