
What was this pain in my chest?

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About half an hour ago as I was sitting on the computer, I all of a sudden felt this really painful burning sensation in my chest. It really scared me as I've had heartburn before and it doesn't feel like this did. It went through to my upper back, and then down into my lower back before disappearing completely (after about 30 seconds). I've had a couple of sharp pains in my chest (at the back) recently but just put them down to 'nothing to worry about'. Obviously I should get checked by a Doctor but until I make that appointment, anyone any ideas? (I'm looking for any answer but heart attack - I know it's possible but at aged 29 and healthy I'm hoping doubtful!).




  1. I think it's a problem with your position. Do you work in the same position all day (like an office job) ?

  2. To be perfectly honest this does sound like gastric reflux (it's just a sensation that you can probably feel in your back) If this occurs again see your Dr who can prescribe management for GERD.

  3. If the pain comes when you haven't eaten its could be trapped wind which is extremely painful,if not i would advise you to make an appointment with your GP.

  4. it could be a multitude of things.  if you ate recently it may as well be heartburn, or it could be a hiatel hernia, angina just to name a few and i highly doubt it was a heart attack. also it could be stress related.

  5. i get this 2 m8 does it hurt more when you breathe in sometimes it hurts so much i have to take loads of little in hales and exhales or else it hurts way to much to breath  

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