
What was this pain??

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Hi I'm 35 weeks pregnant and I've just been laid on the sofa and come to get up and got a really sharp pain just above my pelvis on the right hand side. Has anyone had this before??? What is it???




  1. I had similar pain but if I were you i'd seek advice from the GP or your midwife especially if you start to spot or bleed.

  2. its probably round ligament pain caused by the babys weight and size etc, mention to your midwife

  3. yes round lig pain..normal..aches and pains are common..get used to it..the worse is to come!..ha ha!..aww jokin..i have had 4 and its not that will be fine tc x

  4. Round ligament / muscle strain pain. The key here was that it occurred when you changed position. It's very common, especially in later pregnancy, just a natural consequence of your stretching uterus and increasing baby weight irritating all kinds of nerves that aren't used to being irritated.
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