
What was this photographer thinking about this dog..?

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before he actually seen what mom had on her mind?

So priceless is a dog's love & gratitude.




  1. Aw that's so cute and sweet.

    I bet the photographer expected a shot of the fireman yelling with a Doberman attached to his leg by the jaws. The shot must've changed his mind.

  2. Thank you for sharing and refreshing my memory.  Someone had posted this before on my Cyberdobe list that I belong too.  It brought tears to my eyes the same as it did the first time I say it.  I have been without a Dobe for almost 1 1/2 years now, and there is not 1 day that goes by that I don't talk to someone about the breed.  I use to breed and show Dobes, so this breed is the love of my life.  My husband and I are getting older now, and I would love to have another Dobe.  I do have three dogs now, and if another Dobe is in the stars for us, I will get a rescue.  I would even take in an Albino from rescue, just to pick up the pieces for the unscrupulous breeders.  Bless those Dobies!!!

  3. That is so cute. What a smart dog. She knew he saved her. The photographer was probably expecting her to bite him or something  

  4. yesterday there was a question about a dog and if you think your dog can understand that it is SEEING its self in a mirror..i think the dogs understand MORE than what we think they CAN..but yes gr8 shot..made me cry could not get to the end without crying

  5. Thank you for sharing!! A sweet photo.  

  6. I felt like crying when I saw that. It's so adorable. So are these:

  7. Okay, I am a big baby, because that picture made me cry.  That was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.  Thank you for sharing that.  It made my day.

  8. Thank you for sharing this picture with us.

  9. Every time I see this photo I get tears in my eye!  

    What a great way for a dog to show it's gratitude!  

    I hope the photographer was thinking actions speak louder than words!  

  10. I believe that all dogs that are rescued have this very special gratitude about them that they just light up their new families home with love and appreciation.

    That picture is wonderful.

  11. Aw that's so sweet!  Thanks for sharing!

  12. That picture makes me want to tell the whole world that dog's understand more than we give them credit for.

  13. i'm sending you a note.

    this is just perfect for portraying a dogs appreciation.

  14. The photographer probably thought she was going to bite him.

    But I think she needed to say thank you for saving her and her babies.  And that was her way of saying thank you.

    What a photo! One that can change the stereotypees of a breed.

  15. awww so cute

  16. That's an awesome photo!


  17. awww.The bond between man and dog is something amazing  

  18. I don't know what the photographer was thinking, but thank you for sharing.  That is so touching and beautiful.

  19. That is really sweet. That is just amazing. :) I bet the photographer wanted everybody to realize what a great bond humans and dogs accually have.. :)

  20. Amerz is 100% correct on this one!  Yes, I LOVE the photograph- but it's one of those with a made-up story to tug at your heart strings.  Please- read the "real" story as seen on the snopes page listed by Amerz!

  21. i'm  not  sure  about  the   photographer  but  i  know  that  best  friend  of  man  was  sure  glad  to  see  the  firefighter.

  22. like the first person wrote he probably thought the dog was aggressive because of its breed.but he must not know dogs that well!!ya it made me cry and confirmed what i already knew,dogs are just like us except they cant talk.

  23. i bet it made the firemans day.

  24. I love the picture, but the story on the site is inaccurate;

    I love how I get a TD for posting a link to the REAL story...*sigh* people just love as fairy tale I guess.

  25. She is Beautiful!  

  26. He was thinking: "How can I make people cry?" *SOB*

  27. I should think by the body posture and the facial expressions of the dog, that he knew it didn't have a bad bone in its body, and that he was going to be in for an amazing photo.

    Bet he was pleased he got the shot, and so am l.

    Dogs are amazing animals and have much more understanding than a lot of people give them credit for.

    This photo shows perfectly why l love dogs so much.

  28. Yeah, big baby here too, made my throat constrict and tears come..

    The photographer was very smart to click when he did.

  29. Thanks for sharing. Dogs understand a LOT more than we give them credit for. :)

  30. Yes, definitely a priceless pic.  She knew what he did for her and wanted to show her appreciation.  

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