
What was up with Cindy showing off her token blacks?

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Why do rich white people always have to pull out their blacks when trying to appeal to the masses. That was some foul c**p she did. I know, I know she "saved them form Rwanda", but it looked to me like she was talking to the old plantation when she introduced her "blacks" THIS WAS NOT CHANGE. THIS WAS A SLAP IN THE FACE




  1. Yep, she adopted a kid years ago, just so they could pull her out to get votes about 20 years later. That plotting Cindy... good thing you saw through her!  

  2. isn't Biden Obamas token" whitey", his friendly pit bull??  Didn't Joe Bidens attorney general son do a huge favor for Obama by having a man who publically accuses Obama of cocaine abouse and two homosexual trysts arrested????  Hmmm. Yep.  I don't know about you..but to me it looks like Biden got the VP nod because of the favor he did for Obama.  I could be wrong..but that is exactly how it  looks to me and to millions of other people.

    I mean Obama spoke at length PUBLICALLY about how he and his black friends have to speak carefully about whitey when whitey is standing there.  And how politicians should use the "race card" whenever it sems like it would help a political push??  Oh..and Obama is quite wealthy.

  3. HD and Juliette you didn't have to take the bait , you 2 are just as stupid as this question.

  4. You are cheap

    I do not think Mccain family is racist i bet you wouldn't have questioned her if she introduced a challenged white woman from eastern europe

    wouldn't you ?

  5. like obama showing off his token whites?

  6. what  is  wrong  with  you  they  gave  an  unwanted  sick  child  a home  and  love  do  you  really  see  a  problem  with  that  if  you  do  then  go  ask  brad  pitt  why  he  has  that  crew  and  madonna  why  she  got  her  kid  and  see  what  they  say  thank  god  we  have  people  who  will love  a  child  thats  not  theirs  by  birth  and  give  them  a  home  with  a  mom  and  dad

  7. Shut up, and get over yourself. Do you have to turn in to a hateful person just to support Obama? I mean is that one of the qualifications, to join your cult. I'm sure those people were there, because they wanted to be there. And It's good to know not all blacks have totally lost there minds. Some are voting for John McCain.

  8. that was her buttlicker

  9. ok you are way out of line here....i am in no way a mccain supporter but you have serious issues that you should deal with...preferably, professionally...

  10. Where were Mich's diadvantaged minorities she claims to help?

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