
What was up with her?

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I am pissed and needed her thoughts about the book.




  1. Maybe she was busy. Or she didn't like it and didn't want to hurt your feelings. Best idea is to sit her down and calmly ask her.

  2. I don't know what the "...." is, or could be.

    Rather than assume, maybe give it a day or so and write her and ask.

    Maybe she's upset about something else?

    What's the book about? Could it have bothered her?

  3. It sounds like she is having a problem that is not you, but has now become directed at you.  Give her some time to cool off and ask her why she was upset with you.  Tell her that as a friend you appreciate her time and help and that you would appreciate it if she would communicate her inability to help rather than having you expect assistance only to have her angry later.  Friendship should not come with the expectation of assistance, but if you say you will do something you should do it, she didn't do what she said and what you should be angry about is simply that.  Her latest book could suck or she had a fight with her husband right before that call, give her the benefit of the doubt and talk to her in a couple of days once she has cooled down a bit.  Always show appreciation for her help and realize that free help from friends must be requested on a basis of their availability, especially when it involves their profession, if you aren't paying for a service then you have to take the help when you can get it and when they want to give it.  Please understand that I would be pissed too, but from the outside perspective it sounds like she just blew up at you for an unrelated reason and as a friend you should forgive that.  I had a friend do a porch on my home (he owns a concrete company) and I had to wait 5 weeks past scheduled completion because his paying jobs take precidence, nothing personal just the issue of mixing friends and work.  Good luck on your book and I hope that she will have a change of attitude.  Maybe take her the hard copy and a bottle of wine next time ; )
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