
What was ur last interesting dream about?!?

by  |  earlier

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im bored :]

my dream was about the lead singer from metro station

and i fell in love :] and he gave me 200 bucks at warped!





  1. my last dream was that i was insanely in love with this one dood. And then for some reason there were like 490903905 replicas of  him . And then i stabbed some bald guy from like a movie with a pitchfork or somethinq. lmfao . i started crackinq up when i woke up cause i found him a threat just cause he was tall and bald.

  2. Well every summer my ex goes to some school/camp. I had a dream that i went to the school camp and i was ignoring my ex because he was a jerk, and his friends were being mean to me for no reason. I also met a wierd crowd of friends but they liked me and werent mean to me.

  3. my dream was bout mason and trace from metro station.... thats only cause i LOVE both of them but mostly trace..... they were fightin ove which one of them would take me to the was flippin awesome....I LOVE TRACE CYRUS LIKE SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! i luv the hot emo guys with piercings....omfg i would bang them ALL

  4. I had a dream that there was a scool dance and one hallway was a train station and the other was a furnature store

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