
What was used for contraception in the 17th century?

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What was used for contraception in the 17th century?




  1. they used animal intestines as a condom.

  2. the rich could have used condoms made from intestines

    and the poor used coitus interruptus

  3. The least dangerous was coitus interuptus but there were plenty of other tricks, most of them superstitious nonsense which could even be dangerous to the health or fertility of the woman.

    There were goat bladders which were used as early condoms, a recipe that came from the Romans, as well as plenty of 'witch' concoctions or even bundles of different medicinal plants put in the woman v****a, olive oil was considered a form of birth control, or wool plugs saturated with a gummy substance or with astringent solutions to contract the uterine opening around the plug.

    Post-intercourse rituals, beliefs and plain superstitions were numerous, from sneezing to get rid of the s***n to jumping up and down, or during the intercourse undulate to direct the s***n away from the uterine opening.

    Castration was forbidden by the Council of Nicaea in 325 so that was not available in the 17th century (joke!!!).

    From the Middle Ages came the Cup of roots, made of Alexandrian gum, liquid alum, and garden crocus. A woman mixed these ingredients together with two cups of beer and consumed the mixture for supposed sterilization.

    Other recipes, still in use in the 17th century, were :

    - mouse dung in the form of a lotion to be rubbed into the skin,

    - snail excrement or pigeon droppings mixed with oil and wine to be swallowed,

    - blood taken from ticks on a wild black bull and rubbed on a woman's loins

    - hide testicles and blood of a dunghill c**k under the marital bed before a sexual encounter

    - Pepper into the mouth of the uterus after the intercourse (ouch)

    No wonder reliable condoms and the pill were greeted with such enthusiasm.

  4. i would say no s*x


    good question

  5. Honestly, I once heard that in Roman times they used Manure...

    Not sure how or what they did with it, but if you smell like Manure I`m pretty sure they didn`t want to have s*x.

  6.   They used condoms made of oiled linen.

  7. I have often wondered that and also what did ladies to at the 'monthly' times?

  8. For birth control, there were two popular methods:  coitus interruptus, in which the male would withdraw prior to climax, and breastfeeding, which suppresses ovulation.

    Anassa1, cloths that could be washed and reused were the way that other situation was handled.  

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