Every morning when I get home from work my cat has been up through the night, waiting for me, and he always greets me with a cuddle. That's been our routine for about two years! My parents love him almost as much as I do and his "sister" will come out of hiding a couple times a week. Last yesterday morning, however, when I got home he was sitting in the corner of my room, sitting very low to the ground. I go over to him and offer him a treat and he bolts to the other side of the room. I go over, thinking he's just trying to play, and he lets out a deep growl, bites me, then hisses at me.
What would cause him to act so out of charactor for the first time in two years!? I eventually just lifted him up, which didn't make him too happy, set him down on the couch, and he was relaxed and happy, but he still seemed very alert, like he was expecting something bad.