
What was wrong with the milk? ?

by  |  earlier

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i bought a whole milk for my son two days ago. he drinks before bed and i use it for his cereal. yesterday he drank it nice but today he said he doesnt like the taste of it. i tasted it . it tasted like a water . and it looked thinner than the normal whole milk when i poured down the glass. its last date is 18th of august. its not sour , it just doesnt taste like milk. its like water. it doesnt smell sour. he drank it last night and i used it this morning in his cereal. what do you think was wrong with the milk?




  1. Is your fridge working alright? It's happened to me before. There's nothing to worry about.

  2. i'm being serious - Maybe the cow it came from was as healthy as other cows.

    Or maybe You and your son have a bug ?

    Or when it was in the supermarket in the fridge things maybe something went wrong there which made it taste like water.

    Out of all of them tho i think it might of bin that the cow it came from wasn't as healthy as the others,

    - =] i don't think the odd milk will hurt him x

  3. Check if he or anybody else has put water into the bottle by mistake. If not you can return it to the shop and explain to them. You could also look for any customer satisfaction numbers on the bottle and ring them up.

  4. maybe your husband drank it and didnt want you to yell at him for driniking it all and left a tiny bit and added water

  5. I wouldn't chance it - take it back to the shop and ask for a refund.

  6. Did the milk seperate?  Give it a shake and see if it seperated the fat from the rest of the liquids... Don't throw it out you can blend in the blender with yogurt/fruit and make smoothies...  

  7. not sure, but i think if it was gonna hurt him, he would have been quite ill by now,,,,,,,, maybe they just mixed up the types of milk, and used skimmed instead of whole milk,,,,,,,,,, i wouldn't worry so much.

  8. OMG seriously???  How are we suppose to know what is up with your milk!!!

  9. if in doubt don't drink it take it back

  10. no idea....sounds a bit odd. Sounds like a bad batch. Probably best to take it back to the supermarket incase there is a problem. (If you have the time). Funnily enough, I bought 4 pints of whole milk for my son last week and although it still had 3 days life, as soon as I opened it it was totally off and undrinkable (I hadn't left it out of the fridge or anything). odd indeed

  11. When in doubt, throw it out! Even if you don't make a lot of money like us my child's health is #1, so if I question anything I always throw things away!

  12. Ok here's the thing. The economy is SO bad that companies are taking shortcuts to save on expenses but still charging you the same amount of money.  :D

    j/k I have no idea. Exchange it for another, if that is the same then switch to a different brand. ;)

  13. Weird, I know skimmed milk is quite watery. Never had whole milk go strange like that, I'd throw it out and buy some fresh stuff just in case.

  14. usually they put water in the milk to have more milk then they got from the cows

    they just probably put an overflow of water in there

    not so tastey its just probably more water than milk

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