
What was you worse ever nighmare?

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Many years ago a friend of mine died of throat cancer.

For years I had dreams with him in it and in the dreams I knew he was back from the dead, but he was always walking like a zombie with malice. Very scary!




  1. yep - mine would be about my mom who passed 7 years ago - she was here but she couldn't talk or communicate -it was just very upsetting

  2. whenever someone tries to kill me... i had lots of those

    don't laugh, please, but i had this dream where the terminator was chasing after me. it pinned me down and i stabbed it through the heart with a metal pole, but it still kept coming after me.

  3. i dreamed that it was WW2 and the Germans were invading, there was going to be fighting in houses, i was in my house although it looked completely different and my garden had turned into a Japanese garden, there was water and a harbour surrounding my house, the house was also set in a wee village somewhere. Anyway, the Germans were invading and when i looked out my window there were airplanes everywhere and hundreds of Uboats.

    The Germans were also after me, i tried hiding in the village, but no one would take me in, there was a huge cupboard in my house so i hid in there. But the Germans nearly discovered my hiding place so i had to hide somewhere else, this kept happening, whenever i found somewhere to hide, i heard the Germans shouting "she's in there". Then Hitler himself arrived in one of the Uboats to join in the fighting and to take prisoners.

    There's loads more of it and the above isnt even the full account of what happened cause it would take way to long and would be way to hard to explain as my dream was jumbled in bits.

    All i can say was that it was scary as h**l, i think it was one of them epic dreams, it lasted all night and when i woke i was covered in sweat, thought i was gonna be sick.

  4. Drowning

  5. I was on a white plain. No walls. No doors. Just nothing but white. There was these little white shapes with black eyes. They kind of looked like the Michellen(sp?) Man but not really. They were some creepy *******. They just stared at me shaking their head , like as if they wanted to say "no you can't leave". In slow motion as if time was slowing down or something. I couldn't move or couldn't speak. All I could do was watch these white shape things shake their head left and right. I felt like I suffocating. I knew i was dreaming but couldn't wake up. All I could do was stare at these things shaking their head.

    I've had this dream many times and its just as frightening as the first time. Always wake up in cold sweats and unable to move or speak for a minute or two. SCARY **** MAN!

  6. dreamed i got shot once, i didnt feel any pain but was paralized and couldnt move to tell ppl i wasnt dead, was awfull.

    to the person with the frightmares, sounds like sleep paralisis i get it sometimes but not for a while, its when youre body sleeping but the mind is awake. its common and nothing to worry about

  7. i had finally hookrd up with my longtime crush (more then that, i am obsessed) and we were together.  then my ex comes along and i have to chose between them (crush is nice, sensitive, amazing.  ex who i still have feelings for just has that something about him where i can't say no or stay away) and they both end up leaving me, then i find myself falling off a cliff and enjoying death

  8. Every once in a while I have a dream that the devil is trying to make a mark on my forehead with his sharp pointy fingernail.  I repeatedly pray in the dream and ask God for help until he goes away and I wake up.  Sorry about your friend.

  9. I have regular 1s that i call "frightmares", i don't actually know if they are a common thing and have a proper name lol but basically i feel that things are happening and i feel that i am awake. for instance the other night i was thrashing on the bed and groaning out for my fiance to hear and then i started spinning on the bed, i told myself to wake up but my eyes felt prised shut then i thought i had woken up and it carried on until i forced myself to actually wake up and of course everything was normal. i hate them!

  10. I was in a living room and this guy fell out the window, up high in a block of flats. A few minutes later he crawled back in through the window, battered and bloodied, and stared me right in the face. I was about 10 years old.

  11. this is kinda long but here it goes: ok,so i was in my 20s and i was been chased by a three headed dog,a really really big  black dog.....then  i hid in a cave that set on fire then i was runing again........then i dont remember

      but have this ever happened to you?? when you have 2 dreams/nightmare in the same night???

      the 2nd part/2nd nitemare: i was having a baby of the devil,but it was the  cutest  baby of all times!!!!(a really,really CUTE baby) then when i told the father he placed a knive in my neck/throat and then he cutted my neck.

    PS.  I've more horriblee dreams but i just dont remenber them rite now...... when i woke up i started crying bcuz it was really scary,then i started to pray.

  12. Mine was when my ex partner had just "passed away" (actually he killed himself). I kept seeing him coming back from the dead and coming to get me. Everything was all happy a bright to begin with and then everything would go black and very cold when he came back from the dead and then he would chase me down a black, cold, wet tunnel which never ended and would kill me one way or another (it would change each night - stabbed, chocked, drowned, etc) and then I would normally wake up sweating like ive never sweated before!

    The nightmare went on for ages and took alot of treatment to get over it!

  13. clowns were chasing me. i was a little girl and had seen the movie clowns from outerspace, and i felt like they were after me. my mom took me into the garage so i thought i was safe she put a cold cloth on my head and we had the double garage with glass windows on the g-door. and i looked and one was standning there waving and smiling like im going to get you!! i am terrifed to this day at age 23 of them!!!!

  14. Being shot in the head. It was such a real dream I woke up right after being shot. It was so surreal! Or being abducted by aliens! Aliens and being murdered are equal in my book!

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