
What was your baby's first food?

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my 6 month old is hungry....her doc knows and is okay with the fact that she is on stage 2 foods. I started her on the Zwaiback toast(sp?), biter biscuts, ritz crackers, and last night mashed potatoes. Im looking for something else......I thought about buying some Manocotti shells and letting her eat those....she likes the puffs but doesnt have the fine motor skills to pinch with her fingers to pick them up....she just grabs and they then go in her palm.......





  1. My mom said that i ate baby cereal, and apple sauce.

  2. first table food was sweet potatoes

    I basically give him everything I eat, but in little bite sized chunks and put it on his high chair tray.

    here is a  list of what my son eats:

    (everything should be in small pieces)

    mashed potatoes

    cut up green beans

    cut up carrots



    sweet potato

    cut up pieces of peach and nectarines


    string cheese


    chicken (small pieces)

    turkey (small pieces)

    and spaghetti (cut up to tiny little pieces, you can even add some parmesan cheese and a little bit of sauce)

    french fries (mushy ones)


    oat meal

    mac & cheese

    hot dogs (without the skin)



    No eggs or egg whites until age 1, stay away from peanut butter until age 3, no honey until age 1 - and that includes corn syrup (both contain botulism spores), stay away from beets and spinach until age 1 or up (again, nitrates), and limit preserved meats (nitrates). Okay, yeah, I'd stay away from Mexican candy since many have had excessively high lead levels, and for that matter hard candies or gum until age 5 (again, choke hazard). No popcorn (choke hazard). The rest is limitless. also no cow's milk until age 1.

  3. I started my kids with solid foods at six months. First actual food was rice cereal, then all the other types of cereals( barley, oatmeal,soy,wheat) at about seven months I started veggies (yams,all types of beans, carrots, squash, peas, turnips, potatoes and more) About seven and half months I started fruit. I did not feed crackers, toast, biscuits etc. until they could sit up on their own in a baby chair. At about ten months we stated feeding chicken and beef. By one year old  baby was eating everything from the table. Just watch the amount of salt and sugar that is in the prepared packaged food, its not good for them and they do not need it added to their food.

  4. Bananas.  That's what I started him on.  Then I gave him a little piece of green bean...

    You mean table foods, right?

    Ok - yes, you can give him mac and cheese.  Dairy is okay as long as you aren't replacing bottles with milk.  Cooking with milk is okay.  

    And sorry, I just wanted to be sure that I answered your question correctly...  And then I realized - he had bananas as his first baby food (ugh) AND his first table food, LOL

  5. Well my boys loved to eat Macaroni and Cheese (I added squash to give them an added veggie), mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, cooked carrots.  Those were some of their favorites.  

  6. Squash.  *nods*  Family tradition.

    As for "real" foods, sweet potatoes, any potatoes, macaroni and cheese...bananas

    Edit:  There's two ways to do mac&cheese.  First, you can keep some of the macaroni apart and give plain macaroni.  Second, you can look for more lacto-free types of mac&cheese.  To be perfectly honest, our doctor didn't say to avoid all milk products, just not to give milk straight to the baby.  We got the go-ahead for slight amounts of butter, cheese, and yogurts months ago.  This after months of her not having any sort of sensitivities to cow proteins (though we do the lacto-free formula.)  We don't have the go ahead for straight milk, but we're not there yet anyway.

    We were told by our doctor and food-nutritionist person we work with that egg whites are fine, egg-yolks are not.  We've been doing scrambled eggs now for a while.

  7. My children start solids at 6 months.  Their first food has been banana or applesauce, because it's easy to get just a little bit fixed up on the spot when they try to grab our food (we make our own baby food).  After that, we usually go to oatmeal, made from plain quick oats.  Another early food is mashed potato.

    Dairy should wait until at least 10 months, though you don't have to flip out about a trace amount in the small amount of mashed potatoes a younger baby can eat.  So, no macaroni and cheese for a while yet.

  8. My daughter started off with pureed carrots and sweet potatoes at 4.5 months. She will be 6 months by the end of the week and is currently on stage 2 baby food. I am waiting for her motor skills to improve before I introduce her to new food. I want to be sure she is ready for it because I'm scared of the idea of her choking on her food. (Had a horrible dream the other night about her choking, hard to shake it off)

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