
What was your baby doing at 12 weeks..well 3 months.?

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My baby will be 12 weeks soon and she is definitely changing..she smiles more, giggles and she wants to sit up soo bad. She can't roll over yet and when she is on her tummy(she hates tummy time!!) She can't lift her shoulders with her arms. I am waittng until she will grab things..What was new for your baby at this stage??




  1. My daughter was just like yours at 12 weeks, only she hadn't giggled yet. She started that around 15 weeks. Actually, in her 15th week, there were 3 developmental milestones - giggling, grabbing toys and rolling over. So it's coming soon! At 12 weeks, that's right when she started smiling all the time and everything made her happy. Prior to that, she would only smile if you dangled something above her head for her to look at.  

  2. You just described my daughter!  She is going to be 12 weeks too.  I have noticed that she is sleeping A LOT over the past couple of days.  I am also waiting for her to grap things, she will for a second but let go.

  3. Congrats! My son hated tummy time to! He actually didn't start liking it untill he could role from front to back! She sounds like she is right on schedule! I bet she's a doll! Cherish her, because wow time flys!

  4. 12 weeks is the first major change you'll notice. They become little babies finally and have distinct personalities. Sleeping patterns are likely to change and they might develop a feeding issue or two. By 12 weeks/3m my son was talking a lot more, clucking his tongue, holding his head up on his tummy- would only do tummy time before a feed, grasping his rattle and holding his head up when sitting(propped up.)

  5. At around 12 weeks, my son (now 16wks) was lifting his head & arms pretty easily, babling, as well as smiling up a storm. He too, had a strong dislike for tummy time until very recently - yay! So, hang in there! I think she'll come around as soon as her strength develops a bit more, that way, it won't be as frustrating. Also, my son really started enjoying being held to stand, and was starting to reach for and grasp his little rattle telephone. He started trying to roll over (successfully one time) for about a week long period, since, he's regressed and hasn't attempted that in a while.

  6. My son smiles lots and just giggled at me a few days ago, although for a few week he had been laughing in his sleep! Very funny to hear and see. He cant roll over yet or sit up by himself but can hold his head up very well, he can hold his head up by himself for tummy time though, which only lasts a few minutes because he doesnt seem to like it all that much.

  7. my son is exactly the same!! he's 13 weeks tomorrow, although he doesn't mind tummy time, and he loves to sleep on his tummy during the day when i can keep an eye on him, in fact its the only way he'll actually nap during the day without me holding him. He has started getting cranky at me if i lean him against me when he's sitting up, he wants to sit up and hold himself up without my help, and when he's tired at night and his aim is off when trying to get his hand in his mouth he'll get cranky at you if you try to help its so cute. I noticed a previous answer said that their baby has started giggling after giggling in their sleep for a few weeks! My son did this too he was cacking himself at the dog the other day and its the second time i've heard him giggle while he's awake but he used to cuckle all the time in his sleep!! And he tries to roll over, he swings his legs around all the time and almost gets up onto his side (from his back)

  8. My son just turned 12 weeks last Saturday. He is already rolling over from his back to his tummy - he has been for over 4 weeks now! He has also been smiling and laughing, which melts my heart. He will grab things if I place them in his hand and then he jus stares at the object - it is sooo cute! He can also support his head pretty well and can sit up in a supportive chair pretty well on his own. It's amazing how much they change day to day!  

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