
What was your best childhood memory of Summer?

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From eating BBQ on a paper plate, to running in the sprinklers with friends in the backyard, anything is good.




  1. h**l, just being out of school and away from those pesky nuns for 3 months!

    But honestly, we would spend 2 weeks in August at Yosemite.  Those were the best days of my life!

  2. Sleeping outside in tents on the huge lawn my parents have (it's a ranch) and my Dad pretending he was a bear, growling outside the tent while us kids screamed and laughed.

  3. Going down to the beach, we went nearly every day in the summer holidays.

    always remember going swimming in the sea and coming out with teeth chattering,  mum would wrap us in huge towels and dry us off ready for 'lovely warm sandwiches with sand in them' but they tasted lovely! :)

  4. I would always have a block party on the first day of summer. Every person on my block went to my school, and we would go to the neighborhood field and my parents would bring all of these hoses and sprinklers and we had snacks and a 'Slip'n'Slide' and random people that weren't even invited joined in- but it was fine with us.

    During the summer my best friend and I would ride our bikes to the local park or pool. We had a small community and nearly everybody knew each other... almost every public place was within walking distance and we would see everybody from school there. It was so fun.

    My family would take a vacation to a lake in... actually, I don't remember where the lake was. But our cousins lived in a HUGE cabin on the private beach and almost every person in the family came for the 4th of July. There would be fireworks on the 4th and we would have homeade peach cobbler and the dinners were just delicous. The only part I didn't like was that the kids had to wash the dishes.

    Good question, it brings back fun memories asking it. :)



  5. actually my best memory was hanging out with my dog playing hide and seek frisbee or hanging out by the creek.i loved my child hood kids dont play like this anymore.they all  want to be in front of the t.v or a video game .

    well anyway those are my best memories.

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