
What was your best win in chess and/or draw?!!!!?

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What was your best win in chess and/or draw?!!!!?




  1. I don't play chess--well, I played a couple of times and I lost

  2. No.

  3. I was the the Georgia high school state champions, junior varsity(i got on the top team my senior year) and was in my final round.  I was playing 3 board for a team of 5, and the last person on my team still sitting.  If i won, we won and brought home 7 place- a huge honor for a b team - I lost, we lost.  To say the least, I was terrified.

    Luckily, I was winning, has a strong king side attack going, and was desperately throwing everything I had at him.  Finally, after calculation, I sacrificed material...and got the mate, I breathed finally.  My opponent tipped his king, and we reported the game.  

    It was at that time, he decided, maybe it *wasn't* mate, and now he didn't wanna sign the paper conceding I had won.  Had I been Little more experienced and older, I wouldn't have gone for it, but I agreed to replay out the game, and to my horror, he was right, it wasn't mate..

    The color rushed out from my face as I stared, heartbroken at the board.  I had blown it...wait.  A simple pawn move.  I push the pawn, and said for the second time in the match, "Mate".  Obviously embarrassed, he scampered out of the tournament room with little chat and I was pulled aside by a tournament director who told me the pawn move *and* the position show great play on my part.  

    One of my better victories =)

  4. tried to play it but couldn't get into it.

  5. my best win was win i did the 3 move trap in a chess tournament so i didnt get knocked out

  6. I drew the WI state champion once, but it was a simul.

    I like this game:

    1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. cxd5 Nxd5 4. g3 Nc6 5. Bg2 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bd7 7. Nf3 e5 8. d3 f6 9. O-O Bd6 10. Qb3 Na5 11. Qc2 Qe7 12. a4 O-O-O 13. Bb2 g5 14. Nd2 Be6 15. Qc1 h5 16. Ba3 Bxa3 17. Qxa3 Qxa3 18. Rxa3 h4 19. Bh1 hxg3 20. fxg3 f5 21. Nf3 Rdg8 22. Nxe5 f4 23. Rf3 Bd5 24. Rf2 Bxh1 25. Kxh1 fxg3 26. Rg2 Rh3 27. Rxg3 Rh4 28. Ra1 Rgh8 29. Ng4 Nc6 30. d4 Ne7 31. Rag1 Nf5 32. R3g2 Kd8 33. Ne5 Ng3+ 34. Rxg3 Rxh2# 0-1

  7. My Alekhine Defence win with white over Rafael Vaganian in our 1986 World Championship Candidates Semifinal match. It was published all over the world at the time.

    My favorite draw will always be the 14th game from the subsequent Candidates Final Match with Arturo Yusupov. he had white and needed to win to even the match score to bring us to a playoff. He played the Queen's Indian Defence and made a new move that gave him a ferocious attack against my King. But I managed to hold on and got the draw. This result got me into the Candidates Superfinal Match a year later against Karpov (to determine who would challenge Kasparov for the chess crown in 1987), which sadly I lost.

  8. I was playing against a computer, when I was trying to be smart and get a fifth queen. I had my pawn going down, and his king was the next one down, so I moved my queen into place, and he moved his king down. Then I kept trying my strategy and moved my pawn down, and accidently won. But it was really cool, even though the computer took around 2 min. per move. The game ended up being around a 40 min. game.

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