
What was your child's first day of school like?

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my daughter is starting school in August, and I am wondering what did other parents do to help their kids adjust from daycare or homecare to the school environment? My daughter attends daycare regularly, will that help or hinder her? help!! *lol*




  1. I think it will help her immensely as she no longer should feel that separation anxiety...good on you!

    Read books about first day of school, talk to her about how exciting exploring her new environment will be, and ask her what sort of things she would like you to do on her first day, eg come in and meet her teacher, stay and play a while, or come up with a secret Mummy daughter

    All three of my kids were like "Go home already Mum!" on their first days of school...It was fantastic and heart breaking all at the same time! They are so independant it kinda made me feel a little useless, but I was also very very proud of them. They are all great class members!

    Congratulations and best of luck for her first day!!

  2. It will help because she knows you are going to pick her up and she is familiar with routines so she will adjust quickly.

  3. my kids did nothing but 10 hrs of kinder per week. They were turning 6 when they went to school and coped fine. No crying or anything.

  4. my kid staid home and she couldn't wait for school and she still loves it end of first grade

  5. My oldest went to daycare and adjusted fine, my younger two didn't go to daycare and adjusted fine.  All of them were happy to be going to the "big" school.  My advice, make a big deal about starting school, shopping for supplies and school clothes, and whatever you do, don't cry until she is inside.  If she sees that you are upset, she will be too!

  6. When the first one started school she was all bubbly and happy and ready to show off her new school things.  She didn't want me to take her to school because she didnt want to look like a baby so I let her ride the bus and then followed the bus the entire route because I was the one having the hard time adjusting.

    The second one was pretty much the same way.  She saw her sister going to school and was ready to be a big kid only she did let me walk her to school her first day.

    My son again was all ready to go to school because his sisters did.  he was up at the crack of dawn on his first day wanting to know if it was time yet.  I walked him to school took him to his class and then spent the entire day crying because my baby had started school.

    I stayed at home, the kids only went to a sitter if something was going on  so I guess they were ready for a break from mommy and in this house it was definitly harder on me than it was the kids.

  7. my son's starting kindergarten in august, too and he has ants in his pants about going to his new school. He asks me everyday about going there (he's really excited). Maybe talk to your daughter and tell her that she's starting a new school with big boys and girls like her. See if there is anyone in her current class that's going to her school. She should be fine.

    Good luck.

  8. i think parent worry more than the kids do, my childs first day was great and very exciting.

  9. it will help my child went from being with me everyday to kind. and it was horrible she cried evryday I would have to take her in and fight to leave once she was jumping up and down and busted my lip, very frightening for a child to just go through.

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