
What was your coming out experience like?

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or if you havent come out yet, how do you plan to do it?

How did you know you were g*y or bi?




  1. i acutally never plan to tell my parents im bi, ever, theyre waay too conservative, and i still love them and dont want them to desert me, i might just tell my sister and friends. some time, idk..

  2. With my dad it was actually pretty easy cuz he put two and two together by himself and he didn't care. My mom knew before hand too but she got sort of mad at me when I actually told her. She was just like "well what do you want me to say?" because she thought I wanted her approval. She was more so frustrated with the thought of me being g*y cuz she's really catholic and was worried that I was going to h**l. She got over it eventually though.

  3. I came out to the rest of the world at my job company picnic.

    I knew I was g*y when I started wearing flip-flops and short shorts to the beaches in San Diego.

  4. i was coming out and get married last three months ago... all I'm facing was swearing and blaming till today.. but I'm happy and free. i am what i am and i will follow my dream as what i am... but I'm glad that i did it. be brave and just do it dear.

  5. I told my mom, but she really didn't/doesn't like me being bi. she says its not what she wants for me. so it really wasn't a bad experience.  

  6. As far as I am concerned, everyday I am doing laughing therapy and meditation and hence each and every minute of the day, I feel happy and do not have any unwanted thinking in my mind.

  7. I plan on telling them once they finish paying for my education and stuff , but right now i'm too afraid , because my mother cant even keeps secrets so if i tell her my whole school will know within 2-3 days .

    I knew i was g*y when i was 9  

  8. Still haven't come out to family nor do I think I ever will. But to a select few friends I have come out to. It was nerve-racking at first but later I got over my fear.

  9. My family friends and what not are all fairly open minded so it wasn't very eventful for me. I didn't have like a big moment I just told my closest friends and was honest about it. Well also I'm bi so it didn't drastically change my romantic experiences. I had been thinking I was bi since I was about 11 I've always been physically attracted to women but wasn't sure if it was just because girls are pretty and I was overanalyzing. I wasn't completely sure until I had a of couple really intense romantic feelings for a couple of girls. I still like guys though so that leaves me as bi I guess.

  10. I didn't get the luxury of coming out. My best friend (at the time...) had a big mouth...

  11. ever been on a roller know that feeling you get just as you make that first big drop....that's how it was for me....after that...the feeling you have after the ride is over same thing....

  12. Sunday is my big day, because I need to do it before school starts and both of my parents are going to be home at the same time... I'm just going to tell them to sit down and that I have something to tell them I guess.  What bothers me is that they have absolutely no clue that I'm g*y, they continue to ask me if I've gotten a girlfriend yet.  I've pretty much knew I was g*y my whole life, I'd just always much rather look at boys than girls...  

  13. i havent come out yet cause my dad is mexican and sees homosexuality as being "feminine" and being "weak", and my mom is a die-hard Christian. I probably have the worst type of parent to come out to but I will one day cause I know they love me for being there son and they'll get over it.

  14. well.

    to my mom.[[i have no dad]]

    i was holding my crushes hand...she was my best friend too.

    and walking down the street and my mom called me a L*****n.

    and i yelled yes i am.

    and she called me a rug mucher.


    it was funny.

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