
What was your experiance with the Army?

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What job/rank. If you would do it all over again, what job would you choose?

If you could say one "best" job in the Army, what would it be?




  1. My husband is 11B Infantry, he loves it. Has been active duty for ten years! He is now going threw selection for Special Forces. I would guess it would be those?

  2. my answer is;

    I was in Communications. I would have gone for Helicopter Mech. if I could do it all over again. Also I would have gone in the Air Force instead of the Army.

    That is my answer

  3. Captain - Desert Storm

    Definately learn to fly and get yourself into a Boeing AH-46 Apache.

    Nothin' strikes fear into hostile infantry like the sight of one of these babies and nothin' will send those nasty moozies to Allah quicker than an 8 second burst on the twin chainees!

  4. My husband would tell you infantry.

    He has been in for 11 years.

  5. i joined the british army, they told us that recruits lasted 6 weeks, well 9 months later we were still in recruits.  we spent our time ironing our underpants, putting them into blocks and putting creases in our bed sheets.  i probably fired my rifle a dozen times, and it was converted to a .22 should've been a 7.62 SLR.  Our instructors were alcoholics, psychos and would have us run, push up and a nasty beating called "beasting" every day for minor infractions. which is all fair enough but sexual punishments are against military rule of law.

    Needless to say, i was dissolusioned and rather taken aback that the Army is total s##t, boring and  lacks excitement.  i fired more ammo and used more weapons as a 15 year old army cadet than i ever did in the regulars.

    but i rejoined when i was 25 into the british reserve forces (Territorial Army) to somehow prove to myself i could hack basic training and receive my cap badge, plus i really missed being in the army!  i did receive it and enjoyed the freedom of being a part time soldier and also being free during the week to persue women, song and pleasure.

    i feel bad for the guys that choose to make a life out of this, especially foreign legion lads but live in slavery for 5 years.  what's the point. join part time, its more fun and keeps you in the best of both worlds.

    I'm 37 now, I live in the US and again I'm getting that military itch again.

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