
What was your experience with clonazepam? I have been taking 0.5 mg once a day since April of 2008.

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I am concerned because at 10 or 11 at night I get a real bad headache and need to lay down. I feel like I can't even pick my head up. I talked to doc about getting off this med he said bite pill in half and wean myself off it. He suggests Lexapro and still take clonazepam until I the Lexapro takes effect. I hate antidepressants and the clonazepam has worked wonderful for me besides the late night headache. I have very little or no anxiety at all since taking this med. Do you think it will be hard to get off clonazepam it is a very low dose?? Any suggestions? Thank you for your imput.




  1. Try wellbutren that will relieve your anxiety for sure and make you feel happy. Just don't take to heavy  a dose, when I did I felt like I was moving through mollasses the whole day, but I was happy!

  2. What time of day are you taking it?  Could be you could take it at bedtime and not have the headaches.  I've been on it for several years, to block panic attacks.  It is the ONLY medication that that has helped me.

  3. I have been on it 11 years to block panic attacks and it is the ONLY thing that's helped me. I take 1 mg twice a day. You could try this plan and see if it helps. I would ask my doctor if the Lexapro isn't effective once you are off the clonazepam, if you could return to the dose you were on before. I've learned not to burn my bridges with doctors and meds. I had the worst time finding one that would put me on a benzopiazepene and not try to wean me off it.

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