
What was your favorite Wrestlemania?

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what was ur favorite wrestlemana? you can only pick one and give a reason why that is your favorite wrestlemania....My fav wrestlemania is Wrestlemania 19 because I went there live and Shawn vs Chris Jericho match was really good and It was the last match beetween The Rock and Stone Cold and Because the Vince vs hogan match in a street fight was really amusing and good lol oh yeah the pillow fight thing when Coach got his pants pulled down that was really funny lol




  1. Wrestlemania 17 FTW!!!! Best matches ever.  

  2. My fav is WM19 for this matches only

    Brock vs Angle (an awsome 5 star match)

    Jericho vs HBK

    The Rock vs Austin

  3. WrestleMania 17

    Undertaker vs. Triple H - No Holds Barred Match

    The Rock vs. Stone Cold - Hardcore Match - Best Match Ever!

  4. I'm partial to WrestleMania 2000...I also like WrestleMania VI...the best WrestleMania match was at WrestleMania XII (Shawm Michaels vs. Bret Hart), but the rest of it was kind of sucky...They're all good, really. Except WrestleMania XI. WrestleMania XI sucked.

  5. The three words "of all time" get thrown around a lot in this day and age, and I am not innocent of constantly uttering them myself, in effect watering down their significance. But when I say that Wrestlemania X7 is the greatest Wrestlemania -- even greatest PPV -- OF ALL TIME, I am not exaggerating. Everything from the opening montage to the post-main event celebration was electric live on PPV.

    Wrestlemania 2000 was bogged down in tag team matches, triple threats and unproven wrestlers. X7, however, had something for everyone. Technical wrestling fans will drool over Benoit vs. Angle for years to come. Hardcore fans love the TLC II match. Fans of the over-the-top storylines were into the father vs. son match. And fans of the industry's top two stars at the time, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, will always remember fondly their main event that night on April Fool's day in 2001.

    TLC II was breathtaking and jaw dropping. The utilization of sidekicks were nice and there were some totally sick spots.


  6. WM 24 coz I only started watching wrestling late last year and thats the only WM I've ever watched =)

  7. Wrestlemania X8Rock vs Hogan

    Taker vs Flair



  9. My favorite so far has been Wrestlemania 23. It was the nite Mr. Kennedy.....Kennedy became Mr. Money in the Bank.....Bank. It was a great match too and kept me entertained. Also the Batista and Undertaker match that nite was great as well...two great supertars one great match.  

  10. Wrestlemania 21 because John Cena and Batista both won there respective chmapionship belts. And the ladder match was intence.

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