
What was your favorite board game as a child? Is it still played or has it been discontinued?

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What was your favorite board game as a child? Is it still played or has it been discontinued?




  1. Trivial Pursuit. It's still around.

  2. As a small child I liked Hi-ho Cherry-oh! which is still being sold today and my own 3 kids enjoy playing it :)

    As a pre-teen my mother had this old game called Masterpiece which was some sort of art museum type game. I liked to play that for a while with one of my friends. I don't think it was even being made then and I haven't seen another one ever.

  3. My fav. game is discontinued. I dont remember the title except that it was old and came from my step dad's kids.  They married in 88. You had colorful colums that you stacked on square platforms. You built a tower that was about 4 ft tall with a bell on top. It looked like an oil drill. Well you took turns removing the colums one by one without ringing the bell on the top. Sorta like a giant jenga lol. I remember having a blast watching the tower collapse.

  4. I liked Memory, Life, Sorry, Yahtzee, Mouse Trap, Operation, Scattergories, Balderdash, and Candy Land.

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