
What was your favorite board game when you were a kid?

by Guest65197  |  earlier

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What was your favorite board game when you were a kid?




  1. Chess.

  2. CHINESE chess NORMAL chess EVERYTHING chess!!!!!!!!!!


    i also enjoyed monpoly, risk, cluedo, pictionary, game of life and CONNECT FOUR!!!!!!!!

    and scrabble of course!

  3. Oh, haha, I still really love Life, mah jongg, and Parcheesi.

    Good stuff (:


    thats a game every1 knows that game i think it was when i was lil so yeah like really lil

  5. operation

  6. Monopoly

  7. Candyland.

  8. monopoly for me...the old old version with the english places.

    now there is 100's of them.

  9. Chess and scrabble

  10. "Mouse Trap" or "chutes and ladders"

  11. Warhammer 40k, Risk and Monopoly.

  12. monopoly or RISK

  13. Parchesi was the favorite because four of us were close together in age, and we could all play that together.  Checkers was a close second as well as Chinese checkers.  Those were the only games we had other than card games.

  14. sorry

  15. Mine was Definetely Chinese CHeckers, since my grandma would play it with me

  16. I liked Chutes and Ladders it was fun.

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