
What was your favorite childhood toy?

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Either that you owned or your parents never got for you...any fun stories to go with it?




  1. A small wooden boat, carved by my grandfather.  My grandmother sewed the sail.  I still have it.

  2. On my first birthday my mom bought me a baby doll and my dad bought me a Tonka Bulldozer.  I threw the baby doll down and played with my bulldozer until it rusted to pieces.  I think I had it until I was ten or so.  It was always a thorn in my mom's side that I enjoyed playing the dirt better!  If only she would have known then what she knows now!

  3. My mother's old make up kit. I called it the secret underdog and reconstructed any toy I found with it and some scissors :)

  4. a d***o.. jus kidding.. lol ahh i would say a top that spun around and all the pretty little colors blended in it was amazing so pretty.  

  5. I had an easy bake over....but i'd have to say my favorite toy was a giant stuffed horse

    i hate horses

    just liked THAT stuffed horse

    its name was babe

    which i JUST remebred

    thanks for asking

  6. I had this troll doll with purple hair, it was just like a baby doll only more creepy looking and i took that thing everywhere for years.

    My parents didn't buy me toys very often so i had to use my imagination. We lived by the woods so i would always take my troll and play little games like pretending i was the ruler of the forest with my troll people.

    I was quite an odd child. I blame my parents, they always let me watch horror movies when i was little. When i was 5 my favorite movie was hellraiser.

  7. I really wanted Eagle Eye Action Man but they got me a Girl's World styling doll instead.Do Parents realise how disturbing it is for a little girl to wake up with a disembodied head in her bedroom every morning??

  8. We loved, loved, loved our Fisher Price Adventure People sets, we loved Lego's, and I loved my Simon game, remember that electronic game with the lights that flash in different sequences and you had to remember the sequence to continue. Now the two things I always wanted and never got was a doll baby that really ate food and drank water......and then shortly after that needed a diaper change LOL.


  9. The only one my evil mother couldn't take away from me - my imagination.  Everything else disappeared after a few days.

  10. I had an Evil Knevil on a motorcycle that you put in the stand and cranked the handle till it took off.  (not a girly toy I know lol) One day my sister stripped off his jumpsuit and super glued him to the basement wall. I think the glue stain is still in my parent's basement!

  11. A snowboard. I got quite good at it before it became popular. And a surfboard for the summer months.

  12. My favorite toy is a toy call 'DK'. It is sort of like lego.

  13. Toy dinosaurs, you know the jurassic park ones?

    Haha, and this plushy koala that I haven't been able to let go still.

    He's missing his nose and really raggedy now but I still love him.

  14. Well I can tell you the WORST childhood toy of all time... the Cabbage Patch Kid doll that eats the plastic food you give it. Okay it chewed on my friends hair which we had to cut, and it BIT MY FINGER. Wow that THING was horrible, such bad memories hahaa

  15. a little beanie baby that's a cow. i still have her. (:

  16. i loved my pleather E.T. doll

  17. I never really had a favorite toy, maybe Chatty Kathy. (doll)

  18. Paper dolls. yes i played with paper dolls.  

  19. My favourite toy was my teddy bear.  Not sure why

    As I got older, I wanted an Eagle Eye action man, which I got, but he used to prefer it with no clothes on.  I guess the clues were there for me at an early age afterall

  20. I can barely remember. I was in love with the Lion King, and I had this Simba and Nala stuffed animal thingys..they had magnetic noses so it always stuck together ;p

    Other then that, I was always outside. I loved my bike [That was another favorite of mine.] My friend next door and I used to ride our bikes a million times around the block because our moms said we weren't allowed to cross the street, we were only 8 years old. We wouldn't listen, right when we got around the block we would go in the street.

    But ONE time, we sure learned our lesson. We decided to go opposite ways around the block. Sure enough, we're riding really fast, turn the corner...and **SMASH! Head on collision. I couldn't feel my tiny little a*s for a week.

  21. well i had action men and a few others but i rly did like my cousins barbies i must admit (i know i know)  but i also liked my play station 8D

  22. LEGOS!

    duna duna duna duna! SMASH!

  23. my barbies ((she was hot))

  24. lol right my fav and still is was andy pandy i used to have 2 one was andrew and the other was andy me and my sister used to play a game called teddies it was the best andy was the naughty one lol n he always broke his bones so we wraped them in seletape haha i still remeber the day my sister told me she was too old to play and died (she didnt die her character did) but i always wanted it one of them barbie cars the one that went about 2 miles an hour i would do anything for that i wanted it till i was like 11 lol but i never got it :(

  25. I didn't have a favorite toy but i had a a blankey took it every where with little brother used to be an *** & hide it lol

  26. uhh...why is this in the lgbt section?

    anyway, when i was younger i really wanted a playboy (you know, that old game console) because it was so popular back then. i went to a elite private school and all my classmates were rich so it was obvious that everyone had their own playboy. although my parents can afford it, they didn't allow me to have one because they said it was stupid and time wasting. I was so angry at them that I took a plastic knife from a Yellow Cab Pizza box and one of my dolls. I went up to my parents' bedroom and told them I'm going to kill the doll if they didn't give me a playboy.

  27. the remote

  28. It is a toss up....I had a baby doll that was full of (what I called) beans, I took it with me every where!  It got me the nickname "beanie" from my mom.  But I also loved my Star Wars action figures, I had them all.  Even had the X-wing fighter and the whole 9 yards......wish I would not have given that stuff away when I outgrew it, would be worth a lot now : )

  29. My Cabbage Patch Doll :)<3

    I still have it >.>

  30. my parents didnt like buying me toys lol. so i dont have one. they did buy us a super nintendo one time for Christmas a looooong time ago like when it first came out. that was my favorite i guess.....idk my parents liked buying stuff we could all play with...not toys for us individually.

  31. Definitely my Matchies (little cars). I used to build whole cities and dig lakes in the back garden, then drive the matchies all over.

    I also liked monopoly, but that is a game really.

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