
What was your favorite parts of the Olimpics Opening and Closing cerimonys?

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What did you like about each ceremony, can u try and guess how much both of those cost to the Chinese Olympic Comity




  1. u know truly speaking i cant choose any one moment as almost every item that the chinese presented were mind blowing from the cultural point of view to the digital presentations, they were just beyond words. i liked every bit of it..cant choose just one.....

    i hope u too did so....... :)

  2. u shouldnt be able to post if u cant spell

  3. I liked the closing ceremony best because I wrongly thought that we could now forget it.

  4. boris the london mayor what acrack up didnt see the opener, dont know how much it cost and I dont think the Chinese do ejther, they would have recouped plenty in tourism etc

  5. Opening

    The globe runners (sideways) and the lighting of the torch.


    The opera singers the popular Chinese singers and drummers the memory tower ribbons and the official pageantry which is the spiritual core of the Games. Oh, of course the athletes on the floor having fun.

    Cost? No I can't guess. I can't even keep track of what gas costs here in my home town.

  6. Errr Nuthink

    Most Of It Was Fake...The Fireworks ANd The Singers That Girl That Wasnt Pretty Enough

    Most of The Singers Were Miming

  7. I liked the memory tower in the closing ceremony.

    It was colourful and cheerful.

    It was a good way to end some fantastic Olympics.

  8. Opening ceremony:

    The little girl singing.

    The dancers dancing on the white cloth while drawing on it.

    The forming of the word "he (peace)" using people.

    Closing ceremony:

    The memory tower resembling the Olympic flame.

    Generally I enjoy every bit of the opening ceremony. The closing ceremony wasn't as great but it's really impressive too.

    I'm not sure how much they spent but the commentator said they used 3 times of the amount spent by Athens in 2004.

  9. I didn't like none of it if any the fireworks was the only thing i understood I would rather see a movie. But i watched it on tv so being there might of been better. but I'm glad the next games are in london at least they speak english there :)

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