
What was your favorite version of Windows?

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What was your favorite version of Windows?




  1. Xp . But Nt4 was really cool for limited game support.

  2. windows- B..itch.ta

  3. Windows 1886.  I like the classics.

  4. DOS

  5. windows XP SP2.. for now

  6. XP Professional  

  7. Windows 95 OSR 2.5 - the most stable version of Windows to date.

    There really hasn't been much in the way of improvement since then.  NT4 would have been the best but for the limited support for games.

    But my heart still lies with AmigaDOS / Workbench 3.1, truth be told.


  9. um...wrong section...but since i have nothing to do really i'll answer

    I have Windows Vista...and TRUST ME...this thing is very irritating

    I had XP...and it was GREAT!!

    Vista is so slow...and doesnt work properly!

  10. Who cares about windows: Mac OS X Leopard is the way to go.

    But I would go with the new version of vista, which btw sucks.

  11. XP.  My new laptop has Vista and it sucks.

  12. windows vista is the best right now. i have it =]

    windows 98 was good in its day lol

  13. This question doesnt relate to this section.  

  14. I don't know much about ocmputers----basically how to chat and get on y!a lol. But I like XP waaaaay more than Vista. Vista is just too complicated

  15. Windows Vista


    I like vista more than XP because it is more complicated.


  16. I have no idea what this has to do with the Ramadan section :) but I'm gonna go with XP.  I can't stand Vista.

    love for all, hatred for none

  17. Th one that does not give me the blue screen of death, the one that does not give me a white screen and tells me that the system as crashed and notifys me that the programme giving the problem is "Windows Explorer", the one that I "know" will be reliable and robust and not need constant "security updates",..... basically, the version of windows that I like has NOT been made yet and I truly doubt it ever will.


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