
What was your first clue that you were going into labor?

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What was your first clue that you were going into labor?




  1. With baby #1 - it was cramping all day long that finally progressed into regular contractions

    With baby #2 - my water broke

    With baby #3 - when they started Pitocin (I was induced!)

  2. It was the best day, I didnt have any heartburn or sickness.  I went out to dinner with a friend and ate everything on the plate and I kept thinking it wasnt enough... I'm still hungry.  Sure enough just after midnight... Here come the labor pains and by 7AM I was admitted into the Hosp.  But the baby didnt come until the next day.

  3. Well.....duh, it hurts like h**l....LOL

  4. For my sons, it was my water breaking.

    For my daughter, it was cramps, which for some reason were coming every 5 minutes.  After about 4 cramps I woke up more fully and realized, "Hey, these aren't just cramps!"  :)

    With my first son I thought it was going to happen soon because every time I touched my belly it was like a band of steel - the muscles were really tight across it, but I wasn't feeling any contractions.  This happened all day Friday, and my water broke at home early Saturday morning.

  5. pains every 12 minutes at 2 in the morning...  then 10 minutes...  then a little spotting by 7 am...  :)  had my daughter by 11 pm that day...  oh, and my water didn't break at all, the doctor had to pop it...  :)

  6. I lost my mucous plug and then a couple hours later my water broke.

  7. A small itty bitty contraction.

  8. My water broke.

    Most women don't have their water break naturally though, so I wouldn't sit around waiting for that if I were you.

    I didn't know it at the time, but looking back I think this was a sign. The night before and the morning of, I was really antsy. I just wanted to go somewhere and do something. It didn't matter what, I just didn't want to be sitting at home. At the time I thought I was just having an off night or something, but now I realize it was a sign of labor coming!

  9. you seem to have this burst of energy wanting to clean and get things in order and then you start to fell a little pain in your back along with frequent trip to restroom that when usually your mucous plug passes and it's time for that joyous celebration a new boy or girl, twin etc.

  10. Ugh.

    I felt gross all that day.. felt kinda like I had the flu.. I was sick, and dizzy and felt hot.. I was super tired.. I was actually sure i was coming down with something, i was thinking, i'm 5 days away from my due date what a bad time to get sick! lol I was also a bit crampy feeling, (kinda like in early pregnancy) and

    i didn't wanna do much besides lay down. A couple hours later i had realized my water had broke.. and a couple hours after that contractions started.. we got to the hospital at 10pm and at 6:30pm the next day i had my daughter.

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