
What was your first couple days of highschool like?

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im going this year and im alittle worried.




  1. it was ok. nothing big happens. just dont act like your the king of the jungle and you'll do fine.  

  2. CONFUSING!!!!

    didnt know the school that well, and had trouble finding some classes! im so bad with directions!..but after awhile it was all good:)

  3. Don't worry. There's hundreds of others like you. Confused, testosterone fueled teenage boys and pill-popping girls wondering what the h**l to do next.

    My first days of high school were alright. I just followed directions and I did fine.

  4. i got lost for one class

    i dont have any cute guy upperclassman in any of my class

    i dont know how you meet new people if they dont talk

  5. awsome!

    i had a sophmore gf

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