
What was your first experience snowboarding like?

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mine involved crawling across runs to keep from being run over, knocking my friend (also first timer) off of a huge snow bank (20 ft) when he fell in front of me, and walking up tiny hills just to try and clip in and go down again without dying. I probably was on my @ss more times than not. Learning on the east coast is hard and my first day was h**l but with perseverance i got good and now i can't live without boarding. What were your first times like?




  1. my first time was painful ive only been 4 times my 2nd time sombody colided into me and i hit the ground on my knee pretty hard the ski patrol had to come and get me i couldnt walk for awhile it was one of the worst days of my life i didnt even make it down the slope that day but two weeks later i went back out and had so much fun i was finally able to stop =)

  2. i was watching my 14 year old cousin at his ski race at mt.hood..which was fairly close to my city i lived in (i was 13 at the time) and me and my best friend got really bored watching skiiers go down the hill faster then we would ever dare, so we persuaded our parents into letting us rent snowboards. So she and I just hit the bunny hill all weekend, mastered that, got my cousin to show us how to get onto the ski lift, and slowly made our way down the mountain. But the thing is, i was horrible at heel edge stops, but my toe edge was perfect! But what i remember the most is that it was condensed snow (not as bad as east coast stuff....but still not as good as Powder) and i remember hitting a pinecone and giving myself a major headache..haha goood times.

  3. Similar to yours.  This is my first season.  I am a late bloomer at 19, but I have been like 12 times since my first time.  I got a lot better.  My first time, it was very icy. I'm also on the east coast.  My first run, I went down the bunny slope without a lesson and after 3 seconds caught an edge and went flying, cartwheeling down the mountain.  After that I got a lesson, learned how to stop, and fell on my *** and face consistently.  My *** bone and wrists were in horrible pain as well as my muscles in general.  I could barely walk to the car, granted we were there for 8 hours.  now 11 trips later, it is an absolute blast, and I pass people all the time.  I go down the bunny slopes all cocky like I've never been a beginner, lol.

  4. Taking my friends down to the ground with me when getting off the lift.  Lots of falling... spending the entire day facing straight forward heel edge.  Lots n lots of falling leaf pattern... insanely sore thigh muscles. Lots of falling...  Wet butt and gloves...  Lots of falling... And having every single muscle in my body be sore.  Muscles I didn't even know I had! Good times.

  5. My first time was horrible.  I went up with a bunch of guys who are really good.  They didn't bring me down anything easier then a blue run, and brought me into tough tree runs and black diamonds whenever possible.  They kept yelling at me to keep up, and laughing when I crashed.  I ended the day with a black eye.  

    It really sucked, but those guys are the same ones who pushed me to get as good as I am today.

  6. i was ok, ofccourse i ski so some stuff came easy. the hardest thing is carving, for me especially heel side! i am good now,  i love boarding too

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