
What was your first ghost experience?

by  |  earlier

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i was 5 or 6 my sister was about 3 (she still remembers this too)

we were in the room getting ready to go to bed i heard as clear as day a man cough and the toilet flush

my mom was in her room reading a book i thought my dad came home and we (me and my sis)stood in the hallway looking into the bathroom and we heard and saw the toilet flush by its self and heard a man cough again we started screaming my mom had to calm us down saying it was a casper ghost he just liked to flush the toilet




  1. When i was about 7 or 8 my nan passed away. I wasn't allowed to go to her funeral as my parents didn't want me experiencing death at that age. They said I would see enough of it when im older. Anyway, the night after her funeral (I don't remember if I was sleeping and dreamed it or if i was awake) but I saw my nan standing at the foot of my bed. I clearly remember seeing her wearing a light blue dress and a white shawl around her shoulders. I also remember seeing a butterfly neckless around her neck, which id like to add she never wore when she was alive. She didn't speak to me, but i remember not feeling afraid. I remember feeling a warmth around me. Then before I knew it she was gone.

    In the morning I told my mum that nanny had come round to see me last night. My mum didn't take too kindly to it and she told me not to tell lies and that nanny was in Heaven now. I then told my mum what she was wearing and about the pretty neckless. My mum burst into tears. I then discovered a few days later that my nan had been buried in her favourite blue dress and the neckless was given to her along time ago. She had never worn it but had kept it safe and had told my mum that the only time she would wear this is when she was laid to rest. I BELIEVE my nan visited me that night to say goodbye, as I hadn't been allowed too.

  2. At one point, when I was nine actually, I was all about the supernatural.  At one point that was all I could think about.  That was until my closest friend moved away and I ventured further and further into the norm and the boring.  She was everything to me back then, she was my gate to the unknown.  

    About three years of total brain savataged thoughts later, a new friend asked me if I believe in demons, ghosts, or witches.  My answer disappointed the believer.  

    It couldn't have been more then two nights later, we were out on the golf course as usual and she was "squeaking" as she like to call it.  Bats would fly around us when she did.  That night fewer bats came and she assumed that her calls were just weak.

    I heard the wings of a large animal and turned to find an owl perch itself on a branch closest to me.  Time froze.  My friend became nothing more then a mere illusion.  I felt it inside me, something was about to happen.  My heart slowed down as I waited and stared at the bird.  This was my first encounter with an owl, they didn't live where we did.  

    Suddenly I became slightly dizzy, only slightly.  Then my friend was yelling at me.  "That owl!  That stupid owl!  It ate my bat!"  I smirked at it and then I saw something that has burned itself in my mind.  A woman in a crimson cloak, her dirty blonde hair peaking out from her hood.  I couldn't see her eyes, but then again I didn't try.  The moment I saw her smile with those bloodied up fangs and her reach out with fresh blood on her finger nail, I screamed and I bolted.

    Out of instinct, my friend joined me as we ran back to her house.  My voice cracked and I laughed out of fear as did she.  "What was wrong?  Why did you run?"  "I believe!  Oh, I believe!"

  3. Haven't thought about it in my fifty years. I was raised to believe there are no such things, but I do believe in what I see. I was four or so, in the bath, and my momma was in the kitchen with the old grocery man putting away food; I could see them clearly maybe fifteen feet away as the door was open end-on in my direction. I watched the doorknob turn slowly back and forth once or twice. Remember, I could see both k***s. My momma didn't believe me, but no matter; I know what I saw.  

  4. i think sometime you lie to yourself that they do exist and keep trying to tell yourself because you want to believe in something...but a couple of weeks ago i kind of realised there is nothing..sometimes i'm still scared but not really..i thought i saw a ghost once i was looking in the mirror at myself and i turned around and thought i saw a small girl like small child standing with white  hair and really pale for about a couple of seconds i was REALLY scared..i was just shocked for seconds and couldn't move. when it wasn't there i just ran i realise it was my eyes playing tricks on me because i bleach my hair and am really pale sometimes DEPENDS so it was like seeing my refelction in another place..seein as it was there for around one second but i did really want to tell myself that i had actually seen a ghost

    chibi s ..that really is hilarious

  5. I too was about 5 or 6 and was with my great grandparents in a rural area outside of town.They would go to pick "greens" at a small cemetary in the country. It was the middle of the day,summertime late 70's.Anyway when we left I rode in the backseat and was looking out the backglass(carseats not very common then) at the cemetary as we drove away.I still see this in my mind today,but at the spot where we were there was a man in overalls and a straw hat standing there,BUT no one was around the whole time we were there.Now keep in mind this was out in the country,no people wandering around like if you were in the city.If my memory is right I turned around and sat down but never mentioned the whole thing.The man looked real but not really if that makes any sense.And no I'm not crazy,I do remember this.

  6. this is actually my friends but her mother is a teacher and one day she went up to get something in her classroom and she saw a boy with blond hair looking at her shes asked it his name and why he was in there but he ram into the closet and experience is when i had my lights off and my tv. kept going on and off and i saw a white figure and then it disappeared

  7. i used to live in this apartment complex not that long ago and it was said that there was a murder there. i remember hearing things. seeing things. there was once a time when i felt someone playing with my hair, i turned, and there was no one there. that was it nothing too big.

    there was another time in a different apartment where there were several ghosts, maybe 4 different ones. that one WAS haunted. i used to hear breathing, loud breathing, there were cold spots, we could hear walking upstairs when there was no one there. There was a pale girl with long black hair in a black dress would appear only to me. no one else saw her.

    then there was another time when i heard running, behind me, like a small child. it was really fast because it left a small breeze.

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