
What was your first time snowboarding like?

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I am a skier and might got to snowboarding.




  1. I went snowboarding for the first time 3 days ago.  My first time down the mountain I fell at least 50 times!  By the end of the day I was falling about 15 times on a trip down the mountain.  I've been skiing 3 times before and other than my very first run where I fell like 3 times, I pretty much never fall, so snowboarding was way harder.  I am still quite sore pretty much all over my body, things like siting down or getting up were hard the day after.  U also have to undo on boot from ur board everytime u go on and off the ski lift.  I quite enjoyed it nonetheless, but I couldn't keep up with the person I was with becuase he was skiing.

  2. I could not get up bymyself at all!!

  3. h**l.  Bruised wrists and just about everywhere else.  Take a lesson and be prepared for a tough day.  It is worth it, though. :)

  4. Hey I've skied for about 6 years and have gotten used to it and thought I'd try to snow board... the change is huge  but with a god instructor and a few hours you'll catch on  faster than you did with skiing just be prepared to fall  face plant roll tumble crash and hit objects for the first while

    as for my first time it was awesome the instructor was great (and she didn't look bad ether)  the thrill was amazing and even tho i never went more than 30ft it was exilerating (and exhausting) oh and don't even think about working the day after     My muscles were just killing me  any ways i would recommend you try it i loved it but thats just me

  5. It was great!  I used a rope tow though, so I didn't really ever have to undo the bindings on my board, and I didn't have to pay for lift tickets, which obviously makes things a little better.  

    You're going to fall, guaranteed, but just keep a positive attitude.  And don't worry, it doesn't really hurt... unless you hit some ice or packed snow lol.

  6. Thought I could teach myself- I broke my tailbone and got a concussion. Couldn't sit down right for weeks. You wanna take a lesson, trust me.

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