
What was your haunting experience?

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Mine was when I was 6 yrs old and we lived in this old house and the old attic fan that had no electricity would keep coming on by itself at night! My mom just thought it was weird but we moved out when my dad went up there to look and noticed that there was no possible way it could have turned on! It had all corroded wires, But yet almost every night it would start up it would start real slow and get louder and sound like it was going to fall apart! True Story




  1. Well in my new house, I havent been here for long, but lots of things have happened to me. I swear i've seen things run when i looked in one direction. Things have turned on by themselves, things have been thrown and gone missing. My bed has shaken at night and my hair has been pulled. And before the house was built, it was just dirt, with a farm behind it. and its still there. But people have said to dump bodies here.

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