
What was your labour like?

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I ask because i'm due my third baby on 08/08/08. With my first labour i phoned everyone i knew because i had one sharp pain and a spout of the runs (sorry if tmi) and i thought it would have been much worse and when i arrived at the hospital i was very suprised that i was 5cm dilated and delivery was only 5 and a half hours. With my second i had my waters broke and labour was only 1 and a half hours.




  1. Sounds like you are blessed.

    My first was induced at 36 weeks because I had toxemia.

    Labor was 5 1/2 hours of nothing but hard labor. He got stuck at the end and the gave me an epaderal, that kicked in after he cracked my tail bone and tore me comming out. Then I went numb for about 2 hours waste down. Most beautiful gift ever, minus trying to pee for the next few days.

    The second one looks like he may be induced as well, we will see. I hope my labor goes quicker like yours.

  2. You are first child was on his due date and had to be induced he took 26 1/2 hours and he was facing the wrong direction so I had back labor with him. Totally awful!

    My second child was 21 hours and was also induced. But what a fairly easy labor. Then my thrid child..i was already 4-5 dialated with him. Then they induced me again and he was out in 6 i get better with every baby i have. I wouldn't change any of it. They are all very beautiful children.

  3. First time around my water broke at home 6 weeks early & my son was born 4hrs 45mins later with no complications.  With my second he was born in the car whilst on a shopping trip - was 20 mins from waters broke to giving birth (no pains before hand).  Third time around I was 1 hr 50 mins and my water didnt break until 30 before I gave birth and I only think I was a little longer than my 2nd due to my daughter being over 2lbs heavier than my son.

    All labour/experiences are different but I cannot see you having any major problems or a long labour as you have had any easy time of it previously (like me).  I would suggest that as soon as you start contractions or your waters break that you take a wee trip to the Labour ward to be checked and that way you'll know how far progressed you are.

    Good luck xx

  4. My labour was good actually, waters broke at home, went to hospital, fell asleep, woke up 9 cm pushed 3 times and he was out, I was 3 weeks early and at 6lb 11oz he was quite small for my size as I am nearly 6 foot tall, no stitches. Thinking I wont be so lucky with number 2 though!

  5. Hi our first was within two hours of starting but by then an ambulance had to be called and our second one was once again out within two hours but this time we made it to the hospital and out 20 Min's after arriving there

  6. My water broke at home, so I called my boyfriend to pick me up. Half hour later, we were headed to the hospital where I had to wait for 10 more minutes till they took me to the delivery ward.

    I wasn't dilated enough so I waited for what felt like FOREVER; in excrutiating pain.

    Altogether, my labor lasted over 11 hours.

  7. Lucky YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. My first was quite easy and straightforward. I went into labour at 2am and had him at 11.25am. My second has really put me off giving birth again as the labour was slower (contractions were on and off for a couple of days) then they started getting worse at around 9pm one evening and I gave birth at 4.35am. Prior to this, when I went to the hospital I was in the waiting area for over an hour with severe contractions before they took me to the delivery room. This labour was harder as I was pushing and pushing for hours and baby wasn't moving down at all, the midwife wasn't encouraging, just kept telling me nothing is happening and I am not pushing hard enough and I ended up having a 3rd degree tear. They say the second is meant to be easier but not in my experience.

  9. on my first  my waters broke on the sunday night but i didn't have her til the early hours of tuesday morning! bit of a nightmare, got stuck etc, preped for emergsncy cesarean but luckily had forceps instead.  On my second he was out in a shot! No pain relief, no stiches!  good luck with no.3!

  10. WOW! It must be nice! My labor started at 3am on a Wednesday with pressure and pain in the rectal area. It continued every 6 minutes until they took him by c section at 10:31 on Friday morning. I only dilated to 4 cm.  I never had back or abdominal labor. Everything was "down below" and hurt SOOOO bad! Since I didn't dilate, the doctor didn't think I was truly in labor, which is why it took so long to have him delivered. Good luck and I hope you have another easy one!!!

  11. Yes your lucky because it took 44 hours to have James. The pain was unbearable at times but it was worth it. Oh yeah he was turned the wrong way so I had to rock back and forth on this bean bag for 2 hours. I kept pooping(didn't even know I was) and telling people they stanked and to get out of the room.James father said "baby it you" I apologized to everyone. It was a wonderful experience and I felt special because I had to work extra hard to get him here and even though I wanted to...I didn't give up.So more than likely your third will be a breeze like the other two. I just hope I am as lucky as you when I decide to have my second.GOOD LUCK

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