
What was your most awkward moment with a girl/boy that you liked?

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Mine would have to be when I was adjusting my heels and this guy slammed into me right from behind and we landed in a very odd position..haha.




  1. i guess that would have to be last year when he was walking in front of me (he was a Senior i was a sophomore) and he suddenly turned around cause someone called his name and like we crashed so i stepped to one side to try and get out of his way but he did too and it kept happening. the hall was so crowed that we were on top of each other.  he didn't look too pleased..

  2. actually two cute guys i actually liked were holding and tickling me, i begged them to put me down because my stomach was hurting from all the laughing, but they kept tickling me till i farted.. LOLz i was soo embaressed.. (they were all like WOAH!!) and one of the guys who tickled me laughed so hard until he passed gas too, so i didn't feel too embarassed

  3. i was at a bar mitzvah and it was a slow dance and my friends pushed me to go dance with him and i resisted and they pushed really hard and i slamed into him whoops lol

  4. We were sitting in his car trying to think of something to do. He like "Well there's two if us" and the he pointed to the two folf  disks between us, but I didn't see that, so thanks to my sick mind, I was thinking he wanted to s***w me. So I was like "Yeah that sounds fun" and he was like "Yeah, but it would be awkward, because girls suck at folfing" then I explained to him that I misunderstood what he was suggesting, and he was like "Well, we can do that too, but later."

    Lmao, it was a fun day.


  5. I was in the LIBRARY, and my crush came up and BUMPED me. I fell down, he feel down, blabbed on and started laughing, and pushed his friend into me.... Not fun!

  6. i was going to the bathroom (actually meeting up with one of my girlfriends) when i happened to see this guy that i liked. we were already friends but i didn't know if he liked me or not. so i ditched my friend real quick and went between some lockers to talk to him for a sec. so then my teacher came out and said really loud "i let you go to the bathroom and here you are in between lockers with t_ _ _ _ y!" she was my fave teacher and she was just joking but i got so embarrassed! the whole class was there (idk if they heard) but my friend came around the corner and saw us and started laughing. he just smiled; i blushed and went back in the class.

    now that i look back on it i laugh because we are friends with benefits and that was so awkward. *star*

  7. The day after I told him I liked him, I had to sit behind him in math and it was sooooo awkward. I was embarrassed and he acted like nothing happened. Then in the middle of the lesson, he was stretching and he hit me in the eyes. I called him a jerk and he said sorry. That was pretty awkward.

  8. Haha. we were at a football game and i really liked him and he only kinda liked me and his sister was really annoying me (spitting on me actually) so i was like "Get your sister away from me!" and trying to like flirt with him and then i jumped on his back and he like didn't grab me? and i was like wtf. and he was like "NEVER JUMP ON MY BACK AGAIN" like half joking half serious. and i looked at him and i was like "if your sister spits on me one more time i'm gunna kick her" and he got mad. She was like 7 and spitting on me cause he told her to, i was pissed.  

  9. oh god.

    i burped in my boyfriends mouth once lmfao

    that was SO embarrassing.

    he just kinda pulled back and sat there looking away

    ugh im blushing just typing this

    i hate myself for that lol  

  10. okay he liked me... not i liked him... but anyways...

    we were on a cruise celebrating his 13th birthday and I was wearing a strapless dress he is kind of short, and im not short, so he was directly at eye height with my... b***s... and hed just like sit there and stare so id like cross my arms and he put his arms around my neck so that id have to get him off of me... so it was either i get choked, or i let this 13 year old boy stare at my chest.  

  11. mine would be when I told my friend I liked this guy and she promised she wouldn't tell anyone. Then about 3 weeks later she told him I liked him and he's friends with some of my friends and he sat at my lunch table the next day and just kept looking at me and laffing!!!

  12. haha i love reading everybodys stories.

    but mine was during freshman year and i really liked this guy in my math class, who also lived down the street. i told him i liked him over text and then felt kinda awkward when we were in class because i knew he knew how i felt, but he acted like nothing happened. but one day he texted me and asked what i was doing that night, i got all excited because i had never hung out with him and really wanted to but my parents wouldn't let me go anywhere so we had to hang out in front of my house and he brought a friend and i had my friend, and they had never met, but basically, they came over and he and i didn't talk much at all, we were both feeling weird and nervous and my friend and his friend did mostly all the talking.

    i look back on it now and find it hilarious. things would've been much different if we were just a bit older and more mature lol

  13. i was with the guy i liked and i pulled my swim suit top out of my backpack and all my tampons and pads all came falling out.. and it wasnt just in front of him...that was embarrassing!  

  14. me and my friends and my sister were with the boy i liked... and they decided it would be hilarious to play this tape of me being stupid. so he acted like nothing was happening while i ran away lol

  15. when we were in hi parents house alone, it was weird but nice. we keep playing video games though

  16. My crush's name was Andrew, and I liked him so much, I thought I was like in love with him. Everytime he came into the room, I'd always start blushing like crazy. Then one day, we were going to an assembly, and he came out of detention and started walking with me, and all my friends saw and started giggling, and I heard this teacher, say, "Well lookie here." and then the other teachers he was with was like, "OooooOoooohhhhhh."  and like everybody in that hall started laughing. It was super awkward and terribly embarassing. I turned so red, I thought I was gonna die.

  17. This guy from school told me he loved me via msn. Then he gave me a bunch of funny condom adds (wtf?) But a week later i said i liked him too, and so then he said "oh i only love you as a friend" -.-

  18. Oh well, there's a lot but the one I remember right now is that I was swimming with him in his pool and I did an amazing dive off of the diving board and when I came up my nose was bleeding everywhere!  I guess it was the depth of the pool or something but it was so embarrassing!

  19. so me and this boy were on myspace and i told him i liked him. the next day i had to sit by him in science and behind him in social studies. He acted like nothing happened and we were jusst talking. it was weird kas i thought he wasn't gonna talk to me again. then a while later when we could pick our lab partners, he asked me:)

  20. Omg. Mine would be when me and him went with some of my friends to the movies and after the movies were done all of my friends were like we'll be over here expecting us to kiss but we just stood there. ugh it was soo awkward!

  21. It was actually today. My guy friend (tht I like) was using my phone, and I tried to grab it from him. Well, I caught his hand, and we held hands for like 5 seconds. It was weird :)


  22. I had a serious crush on a guy, and then when our school had a soccer turnament (it was MANY years ago...) I was going to wave my cap when our team scored, but I forgot that I had put my water bottle in the cap (for some reason) and I hit him right in the groin with it... Awkward....

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