
What was your most embarrassing moment.?

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Lol tell me your most embarrassing moment!




  1. when I was 12 at school, I wrote my phone no. on a small paper, and then I let it fell to floor and a boy came to take it and read it loudly. Although all the class didn't know, but a few had known and derided. oh! I was embarrassed everytime I remembered it. How fool I was.

  2. my most ambarassin moment wa when I was like 12(I'm 26 now) me an my sister were at the beach(with family of course) but me an her went down too the beach for an hour an on the way back we saw some guy in the distance like a mile away that looked similar to our dad so we turned to each other an both thought the same thing thinkin it was him so we were like"hey dad....whats up...what ya doin" while wavin to him an all than we stop an notice that this guy had turned around an looked behind him to see what we were wavin at an who we were talkin to but no one was behind him,so then we look at each other an were like, "umm, I don't think that's our dad" an started turnin red while giggling so we just turned around an started runnin off in the opposite direction(since we didnt know who it was an were wavin to a complete stranger, we didnt want to seem inviting)

  3. when i was 12 i farted in front of the girl i liked

  4. walking in on my parents doing it with the family dog (by it i mean s*x)

  5. Getting caught by his mom and having her give me a ride home... I lived next door.

  6. dreaming of going to church naked

  7. Ok, I had just parked at an office building to do some work there. I was really hungover and had to p really bad. I didn't think I could make it to their bathroom so I got in the back of my work van (no windows) and decided to p in a gatorade bottle. I didn't realize at the time but I also had diarrhea and while I was relieving my self, ended up browning my pants at the same time. I had to call the customer and tell them I had an emergency and would be back in a couple of hours. Then I went home and showered and changed. Nobody knew about it but I was still really embarrassed. Thank God the van had vinyl seats!

  8. you dont wanna no my most embarassing moment

    This is in my dreams embarrassing moment

    I was in school and i was the only one there NAKED!!!!! I had to hide from everybody and try all the clothes on.

    Real life

    I was with my friends when i told them i would have s*x with this girl i thought was really pretty and they told her and she talked to me and it went around the whole school and I found out she liked me but not after what I said.

  9. In school, I had a plastic ruler. I was bored. I was bending it untill it broke. When it broke, it snapped. Everyone looked at me. Then, when school was over, everyone was asking me "Are you OK?" and "What happened?" I was so embarressed. Everyone was all over me.

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