
What was your most life-changing LSD trip like?

by  |  earlier

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Or most intense, spiritual, fun, etc.

spare me the "drugs are bad" speech we've all heard it before.




  1. When my friend jumped out the 3rd story window in a frat house and broke his back....

    ....Life changing for both of us.

  2. Acid always made me feel like I was learning something profound but then the next day I'd think about my trip and realize my revelations were commonplace ideas and obvious to anyone slightly spiritual or thoughtful. But it was fun at the time : )

  3. A little bit like this.

  4. Would definitley have to be the time i took 2 good hits of blotter paper at a psytrance rave out in the bush/woods.

    My mind became mentally connected too the audio waves coming out of the speakers.. my body went into an auto-pilot mode where i was swaying side too side and spinning around dancing. I had 100% of my mind focused on a single thought which was the music.. it allowed me too dance in ways i couldn't of even imagined.. i became weightless, no body load or weight.. and had all the energy i could possibly imagine, had no feeling of pain or exhaustion.. the most incredible feeling/experience i've ever had.

    I became captivated by the beauty of the girl dancing next too me also on LSD, the way she looked, dressed, everything was perfect. We just smiled at each other, because we knew we were both experiencing the same feeling. Everyone around me was experiencing this blissful connection they had too the music.. dancing all night into the morning as the sun came up, beneath the spinning stars and rippling tree's.

    Purely Unbelievable.. since then i see myself as part of this world, part of the universe.. every piece of matter is connected in its own way, i would say it was a spiritual experience for me.. definitely changed the way i view the universe and everything in it.

    <3 LSD :)

  5. During midday, while the sun was setting in the west, it started rising back to the top of the sky and at the same time the moon rose from the east and they met and fused together. The sky turned this vivid purple and there was the brightest light that I had ever seen but it made a terrible crashing sound and started falling towards me faster than I've ever seen anything speed towards me. I started running as fast as I could, but it engulfed me and the next thing I knew, I heard this horribly piercing scream that lasted for a good twenty minutes and...I'm just makin' this stuff up as I go along. It's actually pretty fun to come up with nonsense like this. But seriously though, never tried it, never will.

  6. I've taken a "mild" acid and I saw the man on the moon cry..

    tear by tear he melted from the sky onto the railroad tracks by the skateboard park we were tripping at until he was a glowing blob on the ground and there was no more moon in the sky.

    I haven't done it since.

  7. the fact that I avoided LSD has changed my life from the disaster it would have been

  8. I started thinking about everything in terms of patterns.  Now I always think of myself as part of the pattern of the universe and I feel less in the universe and more of it.

  9. well ive taken acid a good amount of time and everytime was even more spiritual and better than the last one.BUt my first acid trip had to put me through a life changing course forever.

    i took a hit of acid and was walking around waiting for it to kick in. i was at COSM(this art place in NYC) and looking at the trippy paintings and talking to people.i noticed it started to kick in when i was looking at my friends jons hair and it was flowing in rainbows in front of his hair and my depth perception of his hair steam to be going all around the room cause at one monet it would be like it was in my eyes then way acrosss the room.being aware that i was NOW tripping i move to go dancing rooms  thought i stop to talking to my friend and we were talking in a hallway and she was one end while i was on another we were reading each others mind intensely.then the walls were sucking me and her in and and breathing us out back tothe hallway this went on for a while it was a wonderful feeling.then me and her ment up with our group and sat in a circle and were like reading each others mind and talking philosphical stuff. it seems on acid the universe unfolds and you know EVERYTHING.we passed around an orange to just feel it and you could feel everyone fingers who have ever been on here.doing this for a while tillsomeone came up to me and gave me playdoh it was extremely diffuclt to play with it because your hands dont feel solid anymore and its like mushyy hands trying to grasp mushing i shoved the playdoh in my mouth and it my whole jaw feel with explosion tingling then i went into the dance room finally and it was like complete UNITY with everything and everyone i just feel so at one with everyone was me and i was them.this feeling was soo familar thats what as weird. adn i wasnt the only one feeling i was dancing with everyone and i closed my eye and span aorund in circles and open my eyes and was in another room and i when to say hi to someone thne i look down and i was out of my body and went right back to my body when i was aware i not in it.i kept doing this rest of the night it was pretty intresting.people sayb the see scary **** on acid but listen ive looked at people and there faces turned into demons but when you accept it was beauty as well it becomes soo amazing to see.and accepting that there is going to be a day you die you with have no fear on a trip.i mean you see rainbow patterns everywhere .when you walk its seems like the floors are waves.walls and the CLOUDS are tripping in the morning they make cool stuff.

    yeah lsd has some cool physical effects...but the spiritual feeling and effects leave a big mark.

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