
What was your opinion on the Roosterz/Bulldogz game?

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If ur a bulldogz supporter, don't be affraid 2 post ur opinion on the game or on Mason's/SBW's performances.




  1. my opinion is the better team one, not because i like the roosters coz i dont like either team.. but they were the better team on the night...

  2. it was a big media stunt im sure mason is big and ugly enough to look after him self

  3. The Roosters simply performed beautifully tonight. Their defence was nothing short of superb, and so was their attack. Anasta & Pearce are quickly forming an excellent understanding, and the hard work put into drills and plays over the season break is really starting to show.

    What I am really impressed with at the moment is the Roosters positional play. They know exactly where to be both in defence and attack, and know where others are without needing to look or hesitate. A great example was when Amos Roberts nearly got stranded on the wing against three Bulldog attackers, and excellent cover defence arrived in the nick of time.

    In terms of Willie Mason. He played superbly, and really looked up for the game. His defence was great, and almost every run laid a solid platform for the Roosters in attack.

    I know the commentators were saying SBW did well, but I honestly cannot agree. In defence all he did was shoulder charge repeatedly, and players like Mark O'Meley constantly just bounced off and gained a few little metres that can mean all the difference. He is a special player, but he did not play up to that special ability tonight.

    Congratulations to the Roosters

  4. ROOSTERS wanted to make the match live up to the hype. As you saw in their first set,they used all former bulldogs players. Roosters tried to make them give some emotion. But Bulldogs didn't do much in return and never did anything interesting. they play a very disappointing game and their tactic in this match was stupid and just made the match less interesting.

    Roosters played well,they showed everything a team needs: a good line, great defence, excellent kicking game, little mistakes and composure.

  5. My opinion is that the Roosters are the winners and Willie Mason is a winner.

  6. the score totally didnt reflect how the game was played..apart from a couple tries, roosters scored from mistakes/kicks..sure thats all good and all for individual players but as a team effort - didnt really require much. they only really "dominated" because they had more possession, mason played good, so did sbw - wtf is everyone saying he didnt play good?, he didnt stop tackling all game, he offloaded 80% of his runs for extra metres and made several line breaks...ben roberts...hes gun can easily see him as another thurston type player

  7. Game deserved more than 36000.

  8. Roosters dominated. They played well, dogs were too sloppy.

    I thought the ref was hopeless. Tony archer and the video ref stuffed up IMO too often. Mason's 2nd try I thought was a knock on, Ruling hazem knocked on when it would of given the feed to the dogs 10m out. He didn't touch it.  Several other things, but hey that is football and there will be times when the dogs have some lucky calls.

    Oh and Ben Roberts. That kid is playing so well. He is an exciting prospect. Looks dangerous all the time. Holdsworth is shocking, bring in Aaron groom

  9. the bulldogs never looked like they wanted to win the game. the ball loss by them was shocking. they had nothing to offer their fans after the big gee up.

  10. As a Roosters fan theres no team i love to hate more than the Bulldogs, so im very happy with the victory!!

    The Roosters defense is reminding me of 2002..rock solid!!

    SBW was on fire at the start of the game, but when the dogs couldnt score and the Roosters got a couple of tries it seemed to take the wind out of his sails.

    Big Willie didnt let the emotion get to him and kept his mind on the job and what a great job it was.

    Mitchell Pearce needs to be signed up loooong term.. the kids gonna be a superstar in 2 years..


  11. I Really dont think Roosters played a good game nor the Dogs. I wanted to see Blood and swear go into it and i go nothing at all. I expected some fire under both teams and i felt like watching old men play..

    I also just think the Roosters were in the right place all the time. Its like all the games this year, if the team is in the right place to get the ball they get the points to win.

    Its like when they played the Storm's last week, they got more of the ball so they won, but the week before the Broncos got more ball and they won..

    I think  that is what football is coming down to now how lucky you are with the  ball play that is going on.

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