
What was your partners reaction when you told him you were pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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or for the men did it feel when you found out?




  1. my hubby was ecstatic and very proud.

  2. He didn't really have much of a reaction...I was too chicken to tell him so I left him a note folded around my pregnancy test lol...he found it before he went to work and didn't really say anything until he got home and then it was just "did you tell your mom?" He was worried that she would kill him lol.

  3. it was horrible. he threatened me by telling me to etiher get rid of it, or our long term relationship was over. i made the decision to keep it, and sure enough he said goodbye. im only 3 months along, and everyday is an emotional struggle with trying to let my feelings for him go. but i keep focused on myself and the child and how amazing it will be when it finally comes and somehow i always find stregnth to get into the next day.

  4. SHOCK!!  The week earlier he had had a vasectomy!  I found out I was 3 months pregnant with our 3rd child!  Have to say we had a little boy to add to our two girls so it was meant to be...... regardless of the shock!


  5. He started to grin from ear to ear and the grin is still on his face now 15 weeks on!  The baby wasnt planned and i wasnt sure how i felt about it so his reaction was a dream!

    And as for him . . .he was ecstatic and said it made him feel like a man (he thought he couldnt have children having never had an 'accident' lol)

  6. my cryed

  7. He said 'Oh ****'

    Haha, Looking back we were devastated! I was crying, he was pooping himself!

    Couldnt be happier now though.

  8. mine was not happy at first then he grew to the idea and then he was happy but not for a while.... keep your head up dont let him get to you..

  9. he sat open mouthed for about an hour in shock and then got excited about it and were now expecting our 3rd child :)

    sam 13+2

  10. i was never pregnant, so there was no reaction..haha

  11. When I first found out i was prego I started crying hysterically I was so upset.we were not planning to have a baby..I called him up at work crying ( he was on a 24 hrs shift(he works as an EMT) ) He just laughed and said I figured..he was so excited..

  12. Walked out on me, then told me I had to get rid of it or the relationship was over.  Then tried to make me get a job.  Told me if I was the last person on earth he wouldnt want a child out of me.  Then two months later he suddenly breathed out, said he wanted a blond blue eyed girl and four months later got his wish.  He just used to sit and hold her and gaze at her.  It was a horrible time but it all worked out in the end!

    I think he was just scared and worried and had already had a family and felt he was too old to start again.  But like I said, I stayed calm, let him rant and rave, didnt judge him and it all worked out.  Thats not to say I didnt cry buckets though when I was on my own!!

  13. 1st time he ran off to his wife,

    The 2nd time he ran off to his girlfriend,

    the 3rd, he had moved in with me and had nowhere to run, but as with the first two (+ one that was a miscarriage) he was over the moon, he is now the proud dad of a 10 yr old, 4yr old & 3month old.

  14. My husband was there with me when I took the test, so he found out the same time as me - we were both over the moon!

  15. he was sooooooo excited

  16. Hi was actually the one there with the test waking me up early in the morning to go and see if I was pregnant and we so wanted a baby and when I came back and told him I was he had the biggest smile ever, I asked him the other day how he felt when I first told him I was pregnant he said he was over the moon and cannot wait for him to be out, hes more impaitient than me lol

  17. He cried with happiness with all 3.

  18. Overwhelming happy !!! We had been married for two years.

    And when his son was born, he would not cut the cord! But he took that baby from the nurse and carried him all the way to the nursery grinning ear to ear !!!!

    My husband has a flat spot on the back of his head and I have very crooked pinkie fingers and little ears. Of course I said "He has my little spock ears and crooked pinkies, and hubby reached up felt the babies head and said yeah but he had my head!!   LMAO

  19. Hehehe, my husband was in shock.  We hadn't planned it (our fifth) and he really didn't know what to say.  He didn't speak to me much until the next day....but then he was ok with it.  Now I'm 16 weeks and it is a reality that we've accepted and are excited about.  Most guys don't feel that instant bond that moms will feel when they find out.

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