
What was your period like after you had your baby?

by Guest64308  |  earlier

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My son is 6 months old right now, I am breastfeeding so I just now got my first period in a year. It is much lighter than before, i wasn't sure if this was normal or not. I use to bleed very very heavy, now when i change pads there's hardly anything there. Sorry if thats too much info, i was just wondering if anyone had a similar expierence.




  1. so funny this question came up. i am breastfeeding too. my son is four moths old and, much to my dismay ,i have just started my period this week. it was heavy for a day and then just minimal spotting for the next few days. i'm wearing liners! this is definitely not the cycle i'm used to. i'm assuming most woman experience a change after pregnancy. i know i did.

  2. I had my first baby 2 years ago. I never had a period after I had him but I was breastfeeding and got pregnant again oops! My 2ed baby is almost 6 months old and I am breastfeeding again. I just got my first period in over 2 years and it is very heavy and long. Before it was short and light.  

  3. having a child can change your flow... mine went light as well

  4. most of us are parents and to me there is no such thing as to much information!i could not breast feed unfortunatly but after i had my now 11 month old baby girl.i was on my period for about 6 weeks then it went back to normal once a month it was a day or 2 longer but so much lighter..

  5. I had a c-section so it's not to bad

  6. I am breast feeding only but I had  my period every 28 days like before ,

    And I use to bleed heavy than  before  

  7. Mine is a little lighter now but it is still just as long!

  8. Having a baby can change your body I use too cramp really bad but don't as much anymore.

  9. My son is a little over 7 months and ive only had 2 periods since i've had him.( I breastfeed him) I called my obgyn just to make sure thats normal they said its 100 percent normal when you're breastfeeding, You can still get pregnant even though you're not having your period and you're now even more fertile then you were before baby, Hope i helped!

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