
What was your "life defining" decision?

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When I was 14, I decided not to sleep with a guy I was dating (I literally left his bedroom) even though I wanted to soooo bad. I just had a weird feeling something was wrong. A few years later, I found out he'd contracted HIV from someone he'd been with before we met. I often wonder what would have happened if I'd gone through with it.

So I wonder - does anyone else have a life defining decision? Something you knew would have changed your life if you'd chosen differently.




  1. I chose to hide my anger, because i felt that anger did nothing but destroy things.

    That was the first decision.

    My second was to deal with it.

    Then there was a third and a fourth and a fifth... h**l, let's just say you could count them with two sets of fingers.

  2. I dropped out of high school.  

  3. By the age of 21, I had screwed up my life. A friend of mine invited me to her home one night to be with her as she talked with a preacher.

    The man talked to her about finding a new life and starting over, with Jesus Christ's help. I was there to hold her hand, but wound up making the best decision, I have ever made.

    That was thirty years ago. I have not regretted my decision, even once.

  4. taking up martial arts as a lifestyle. It has changed who I am on so many levels. I really dont know how my life would be if i had never gotten into martial arts. It may be happier, because i never have time for girlfriends or friends. im always busy training, but i have gained alot.

      Im not sure how my life would be without martial arts entirely, i just know it would be different.  

  5. I guess one of mine was getting married the first time at age 18 after getting a scholarship to the college of my choice, and then dropping out of college after only a short time there.  My husband wound up joining the Navy and it changed my life (and his too) drastically from what it would've been like had I stayed in college.  No regrets though.

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