
What was your reaction when you learned about Palin's daughter's pregnancy?

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I was shocked at first, then my reaction was "So much for teaching family values"





  1. Pregnancy is not an issue at all. I mean those whiners are not voting for a saint. They are to elect the most qualified man and woman to lead america. In this chaotic times where extremist threatens them internationally and into their own backyard, they have to select someone who has the experience and the will to deal with this elements. They don't need an orator and a liar.

  2. I just thought," well those things happen to the best of us."

    And....Here goes another reason why Palin needs to worry about her own family instead trying to be V.P.

    As for teaching family values though, I can't say that Bristol being pregnant means that Palin didn't teach and model family values in her home.

    You can tell your child something over and over and over again. You can give them all the love and support you heart can possibly give, Yet they are people with their own minds and the ability to make their own choices (however unwise). They can and sometimes do just the opposite of what you say.

    Millions of really good parents have had children become pregnant out of wedlock or become involved with drugs and alcohol

  3. Well, ill try and be as fair and balanced as fox was surprised that McCain chose someone like this. I really expected hime to pick a woman, but one who was well Vetted, and respected as a leader. Besides all of the hooplah, I think that palin will definitely have to tend to her family first, then worry about maintaining her millions in business management. I think Mccain couldcr chose a Better vp, but it really does show his judgement. Even fair minded repubs can agree that their are better nominees than palin.  

  4. I took it in stride because it isn't my place to "judge" anyone else. The Palins all seem like a model family and this happens even in great biggie!

  5. I felt sorry for the daughter. Glad she has support from her family. But I still cannot understand how Sarah Palin can run for and possibly become the next VP with a 5 month old w/ Down's Syndrome with 4 other kids and a pregnant daughter. I'm not trying to be mean...I just don't understand...Or maybe she knows that they're not going to win and took the opportunity to get her name out in the media.

  6. Big deal.  It's really none of our business.

  7. It doesn't matter.

  8. I didn't have a reaction. It's a private family matter that shouldn't be speculated on in a public forum.

    Teens will be teens.

  9. Wow I know how Palin must feel. 20 years ago my 16 year told us she was pregnant.

    She kept her baby too.

  10. Nothing.  I'm not going to go trashing family values because one member got pregnant.  It shows more family values to embrace Bristol rather than try to hide her away somewhere where she couldn't hurt mommy's career.  Kudos for Palin for being HONEST about it!

    McCain/Palin 08!!!

  11. Who cares? Why do people get involved in other peoples buissness?

  12. More hypocritical skeletons in the closet.  If it was Obamas child, this whole board would be lit up with nasty comments, but since its McCains side and the right wing, its being generally met with "who cares".

    I guess we should go back to attacking Obama on the flag pin issue.  That seems to have generated more active responses.

  13. Unwed, teenage pregnancies occurs in rich, poor, democrat, republican, strict, permissive, etc homes.  It is not a political issue now or ever.  No parent "controls" their teen's behavior.  One can only teach.  This is an issue for the Palin family.  Let it be.

  14. From what I've read about her, she's against s*x ed in schools. So that would explain it.

  15. I thought poor girl has to grow up way to fast now. Then I thought the  parents where not paying attention. Your kids have to be first, not solving the worlds problems. I have sacrificed a lot (according to society's standards) to raise my children Thats what people don't realize there would be less problems in this world if we really took care of our families first. It all starts at home.

  16. I couldn't believe it really, well actually i couldn't believe how open about it they were. I mean a lot of people in her position would be hiding it. But i think that's good thats shes open about it.

  17. He just handed the election to Obama. Incredible.

  18. I wondered if dmocrats would sink low enough to attack a teenage girl. They did.

  19. My reaction was, "I'm glad she has a supportive family," followed by "I bet the libs are going to start squawking 'oooh, no family values.'"

    Great excuse to criticize. At least she's not going to kill the baby as an easy out like you guys would do. This may have come as news to you, but not all teenagers listen to or follow their parents teachings. Sorry to have to break it to you.

  20. Hypocrisy, pure hypocrisy. If the GOP were not the "holier than thou" party, it would have no effect on me, but it does because they are.

  21. Direct quote from my brain:

    "...Who cares...?"

  22. It happens--even in the best families.

  23. I thought more hypocrisy and dishonesty.  I thought that I would be upset if I were a McCain supporter because it looks like the dumbest pick possible conmsidering his footing with conservatives adnm the party line on marriage and family values.

    Then I thought of the great opportunity it provided for Obama to show why he outclasses everyone on the election.  

  24. Maybe the reason Palin is more pro-life now than ever is because she now knows by experience that the culture bombarding her own child has influenced the decision to have s*x before marriage. Planned Parenthood actively promotes casual s*x.

    To that end, Planned Parenthood has created a new promotional Web site that targets youth. It’s called “Take Care Down There”

    ( It features short, near pornographic “public service” video vignettes which, among other things, promote casual s*x, immodesty, homosexuality and even group s*x.

    I can empathize with Sarah Palin. My daughter went through the same experience her daughter is going through. I am actively involved in trying to do something about the media culture which tries to make casual s*x a norm for our youth.

  25. I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't obama's nine year old.

  26. none, still voting for McCain

  27. You were not "shocked" because you're a liberal.

  28. My first thought was dannng...people are going to not like this. And then I was like at least we know she lives in "REAL LIFE".

    No one's life is perfect!  

  29. OBAMA NATION BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Same as yours...but alittle hypocrite thrown in because she's so abstinence only and anti-birth control

  31. My reaction was "I wonder if they will finally tell trig that the 17 year old is his mom too."

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