
What was your reason for getting a graduate degree?

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when you were going to grad school... what was the main reason you decided to go?

A. to advance in your career... get a promotion

B. Learn more... its not about the money

C. get more money... you already know about the subject

D. become a positive example to your family and friends

E. Make family and friends jealous of you

F. Find a husband or wife

G. Have something to do during the times of 8am-10p.m




  1. none of the above... I can't get the job I want in psychology without a doctorate.  Its all about personal goals and what I want to do with my life, for me.

  2. Well I dont have one yet, but I plan on getting mine.  The reasons for me are to learn more and advance my career.  Im intrested in Forensic Nursing and I can only get a Graduate Degree in it, so why not do it.  I already have a husband, I have a great family and see it as dumb to make people jealous of me.  I have a 8 month old daughter, so my time is limited.  

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