
What was your salary when you were 21?

by  |  earlier

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Dont answer with "none of you business." If you dont want to answer just ignore this question.




  1. That was a couple years ago.. my husband was in the marines.. i brought home about 27k a year

  2. Really a bad age to ask about cause you are going to get a lot of college students who are not working full time. I was still in school too. Made $8 an hour at one job $12 an hour at my other.

  3. 1000$ day

  4. I made minimum wage (about $5.15 per hour) and worked about 15-20 hours a week. If it was a university holiday, then we worked more. Needless to say, I still lived with my parents then.  

  5. Roughly 12k a year :(

  6. you should also answer the question yourself first

  7. a was making $8.00 per hr  and that was in 1980. i did computer consulting and repair .A consult should be making at lease $75.00 per hr. and up depending on your ablitys

    there were a few times that i was pay $25 per hr and trip was paid for .

    had to fly to CA. worked 4hr and returned ,plane ticket was paid for they picked me up at air port after working 4 hr took me back and gave me check for $100.00  

  8. 28k in 1982

  9. i'm 18 and my salary is $15 on weekends and $12 on weekdays.

    per hour

  10. At 21 I was a full-time college student so I didn't make much at all considering I only worked very, very part-time (12 hours per week) at an on-campus job.

    Why do you want to know what people made when they were 21???  Trying to brag?

  11. $13 an hour. This was in 2002.

  12. 1998 - I was in college and I worked at a restaurant/bar so I didn't have a salary, per se.

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