
What was your scariest nightmare? What does mine mean?

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When I was 3 years old I dreamt that I woke up in my room and my parents were in the yard talking to my neighbors. Then suddenly the room gets really dark but outside the window it was still sunny.Then my closet opened a little. I heard creepy noises coming from it that sounded like chanting. I tried to wake up my twin brother and step-brother up but they were still sleeping. I was scared in the dream so I screamed out the window but my paremts were still talking to my neighbors. So I started walking torwards the closet slowly and when I looked through the crack a creepy man with no face that looked like a zombie came out and started ripping my brothers apart while they were still snoring. It acted like I wasnt there even there though I smashed it with a chair. Then I woke up. I had this dream yesterday to what does it mean? If it matters I am almost 11. What was your scariest dream?




  1. Strange.

    My worst nightmare took place during the latter days of World War Two.  A n**i underground prison for the mentally sick took a direct hit from a misdirected Allied bomb.  The wires went out and everything went dark...  The cell doors opened...  I was the commandant of the fort and the floors began to flood with sewage and water.  I peered into the darkness, the light from my office echoing down the halls and saw a rapidly moving object.  It turned out to be a homicidal man who had yellow eyes and gray skin, wanting to eat me alive.  I closed the door and locked it, sweating as he called for me to come out, whispering, trying to convince me like he was my friend.  I took out a Luger and shot myself in the head.

  2. Scariest nightmare I had was a recurring one in which I was a little BOY (about nine), and I woke up during the night. I heard noises and screaming, and climbed up three flights of stairs. When l got to the top, there was a room straight in front of the stairs, and l went thru the door. lnside the room were my parents (not in real life), lying in bed covered in blood and chopped up. l looked around and saw a man in the corner of the room holding an axe! l never forgot this dream, and had it for about five years on and off.

  3. I had this dream when i was like 4 or 5 years old. I was just hanging there and all of a sudden this monster came out and chased me so far that i couldn't breathe. But then, i saw my grandpa and i hid behind him. Then my dream ended, i woke up and saw something like a monster that is green right there in the end of the bed, i was so scared. i thought it was like my young uncle but it wasn't. I thought i was in the dream but i was awake. i cried myself to sleep then on until morning and i keep on seeing the dream over and over again.

    now that is creepy.

    I think your dream is just that you saw something on TV.

    and you dreamed it. that happens to me a lot.

  4. I dreamed this when I was four.

    The sky was blackish red and everyone was going crazy and dying of a disease that made them canibalistic zombie-people and the town was on a killing rampage. I was in hiding in a dark alley because it was too dangerous to go out into the street. I finally ventured out to the street to see the zombie-people all gathered at a store, their attention at the roof. Their eyes were a glowing red with blood oozing down from them. And the torches they carried flamed an electric blue. I looked to where the roof of the store to see my mother being sacrificed by the head zombie-person. He slit her throat and the crowd cheered.

    That's when I woke up crying and ran to my mom's bedroom and crawled in bed with her because I was too scared to sleep by myself. That was the most terrifying dream i'd ever had. And what was even more creepy was that I had never heard of canibalisim or the apocalypse or anything like that. I was four.

  5. Well, maybe you were stressed out or you just had some fear. Maybe you just had a flashback. Also, it probably's just an indicator of something big in your life that's not normal. My scariest dream was when I was about 4 and I "woke up" and walked into the hall, and then  the floor suddenly dropped below me into darkness. Don't worry about your dream to much.

  6. Holy crao that sounds like a a really scary dream but it probaly just means you saw something on tv or past events and uh yeah.

  7. Your parents were outside talking, everything was fine, the sun was shining.  You were still Inside where things got really dark and bad stuff started to happen.  Lots of kids have the 'monster in the closet' fear when they are alone.  Maybe you just felt unsafe when your parents weren't nearby to protect you and this showed up in your dream.  The fact that you had the dream again could just mean you never forgot the dream and it is still in your subconcious.  I have had dreams I never forgot.  

    My worst nightmare was that I killed someone (I'm a nice person, really, I would never hurt anyone).  It bothered me, even if it was just a dream.  I didn't actually dream of the murder, they were already dead in my dream and I was trying to figure out what to do with the body.

  8. Window- with this symbol is important to take note of whats on the other side, is the window was clear, opaque etc. Internal and external references being addressed

    Sun - if the sun is shinning it refers to consciousness. If its not, you are either approaching the unconscious or a loss of energy

    Sleeping - something important is not being understood, lack of clarity, voidance of problems

    Scream - warning dreams, desperation, also experianceing and waking as opposed to the image of sleep

    Closet - possessions, hiding something

    Face - expressions stand for emotional situation of the dreamer, dreamers identity, power of intuition. disfigured face reflects rage, aggresion, fear. distorted face reflect internal turmoil. uneasy or inscrutable faceexpresses search for identity

    Murder - warning: a very important part of your emotions have beem severed, unused talents, relationship to others, etc. On the positive side, its healing that you are 'murdering' something and thereby putting a radical end to it

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